Cross-posted locally.
WASHINGTON – Potential presidential candidate Newt Gingrich quietly lined up $150,000 to help defeat Iowa justices who threw out a ban on same-sex marriage, routing the money to conservative groups through an aide’s political committee.
Gingrich, the former US House speaker who has aggressively courted the conservatives dominating Iowa’s lead-off presidential caucuses, raised the money for the political arm of Restoring American Leadership, also known as ReAL.…
This is a great example of the double standard that the “liberal” media imposes. If Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton were the subject of this story in 2007, it would be huge. But they are Democrats, and Democrats are held to a higher standard than Republicans by the press. In some sense, we ask for this, and in some sense it is even good, because we should be held to high standards. But the shrugs this story will get, thanks to the systematic lowering of standards that the GOP helps to reinforce through the 11th Commandment (“Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican”), are annoying nonetheless.
Granted, some of those shrugs can be attributed to it being a finance story, and both parties occasionally get a pass on those. But the GOP gets more passes, for more blatant acts.
One man and one woman- at least until the man gets tired of the woman and it’s time to trade up. Another “family-values” faker- perhaps gay marriage is to blame for his chronic infidelity and two divorces?
But in this case, turns out it was “hard work and patriotism” that done him in.
It seems he was sublimating his lust passion for The Country to mere women. This was inevitably unsatisfactory, but since The Country refused most of his advances, it was what he had, so he kept trying different women. If he got to be President, maybe he’d finally get to screw The Country on a regular basis and could stop inflicting himself on gullible women.
Big name politician raises money for someone else’s PAC, said money to be used to defeat elected officials with whom the politician disagrees. What’s the scandal? Plus obviously it’s not being ignored by the media since you found it in the Globe.
But it’s not leading Fox News or MSNBC, either.
p>And I say, though I admit I can’t prove it, that it would have if this were 2007 and the candidate were Obama, Clinton, or Edwards.
Or the presidential race in general? :-!
Newt likely is as well, but it is way too soon to make predictions about 2012.
I have another suspicion. Say it’s 2007 and a prominent Democrat donates to help a judge whose rulings were supportive of same-sex marriage. I’d expect to see that plastered all over the so-called news, as well as in campaign ads. Fox would cover it big-time; the other outlets would be cowed into covering it too, to avoid being accused of “bias”.
And not that we should operate like that, but we should be aware that this is their method.
Unsurprisingly, it holds up at least as well today as well as when it was written.
p>Reviews here.