For those who haven’t heard, Stacey Monahan is leaving as Executive Director of the MA Democratic Party and will be replaced by Clare Kelly.…
This transition time is as good a time as any to correct one of the biggest mistakes the MDP has been making lately: trying to sabotage Mitt Romney’s Presidential aspirations too early in the game.
See, for example, There is certainly value in doing opposition research on Romney. But releasing it so early is a bad idea. Let’s look at the Republican field.
Intrade lists Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Mitch Daniels, and Mike Huckabee as the four Republicans most likely to win the GOP nomination, in that order.
Romney is the weakest of these four by far. He flip flops on everything, he’s an establishment candidate (in an anti-establishment year, this puts him even with Obama. In a pro-establishment year, the incumbent wins), he’s associated with the financial elite who are unlikely to be any more popular in 2012 than now, he spent the least time as Governor, he’s running away from his biggest accomplishment, and my money says just enough evangelical voters will stay home due to his religion to put a few southern states in play that wouldn’t be otherwise.
Democrats should rejoice at the thought of Romney as the GOP nominee.