Been away for a while and just returned to BMG. Couple of questions … what’s up with the vertical banner ads between posts, do I have Firefox set wrong, or do I need MS Explorer?
Secondly, where is ANY discussion of Libya or other Mideast happenings? I went back to March 1 and didn’t see anything. This is likely the biggest story of the decade, with global implications, and BMG’s silence on the subject is disturbing.
I assume that the “illegal war”, “no blood for oil”, “arrogant American imperialism”, and “unjust use of military force” memes are too close for your progressive comfort.
Where are all the “Impeach Obama!” signs when you need them?
But excellent coverage on the Japan reactor story. Thanks.
Five posts down the front page. link
I don’t like them either.
p>If you want to impeach Obama over this, then Congressman Kucinich must be your new best friend, but lots of Presidents have committed troops and the UN supports this action.
but please don’t whine about others not doing enough to entertain you or satisfy your craving for liberal straw men to beat up.
p>Regarding the “American imperialism” meme, it seems pretty clear that Obama has so far successfully avoided that charge, by his approach. Note that there has been pretty much no anti-American rhetoric, flag burnings or the like coming from the region apart from that coming directly from Gaddfi himself.