WoW! From the “Best and Brightest” to Bower, the biggest apologist and social engineer for the PC world of the left? This has to be engineered.…
Whatever, guess we deserve the nuclear rain.
I miss the news potential of Jay Severin vs the MTV that is Bower. No MTV is too mainstream now, what is that other kids show, Jackass.
This is “right wing” radio?
Wish I had more time to document is in the alternate news circles.
Please share widely!
Relax. Clear your mind. Think wonderful spiritual thoughts while you look into those eyes. Let your first impressions be your guide and store away those thoughts and impressions. Then afterwards Google pictures of John Yoo, Alberto Gonzales, Leo Strauss and the current Pope.
p>The eyes have it I say, if you are so blessed/cursed with that kind of “ability”.