I was just on the Herald’s web site reading about the Scott Brown medical records flap, and noticed an article about Jay Severin being suspended at WTKK, and possibly gone for good.
Dear God, let it be true!
Apparently, the former James Severino was boasting on-air about hiring women so he could shtup ’em.
Severin was suspended Wednesday, two days after telling listeners that as a former company owner, he had hired “mostly attractive young women” and had sex with nearly all of them over a 20-year span.
“I slept with virtually every young college girl I hired to be an intern or an employee for my firm,” Severin said, according to audio obtained by the Herald.
“That’s not the purpose for which they were hired, but it certainly was an ancillary dimension of the job,” Severin said. “I don’t think of myself as a monster or strange in any way because of that. All I was was a young man who was the boss and I did it because I could.”
And this line from another article:
“All I was was a young man who was the boss and I did it because I could.”
Hope he’s gone for good.
From this Herald piece:
was the day Scooter Libby was indicted. Severino was ranting about Valerie Plame being a whore, slut, etc.
p>The public airwaves should not be used for this insane crap.
I don’t get who he appeals to.
the best and brightest.
Or those dumb enough to believe they can become the best and brightest by skipping the education route and instead listening to a buffoon on the radio.
A huge waste of the airwaves, so indeed, Adiós y riddens bueno!
I really don’t know much about this particular guy, except what I have read here. I don’t listen to him.
p>But why is he always referred to here as “Severino”?
…he was born “James Severino”
OK, but that still leaves the question, why?
p>Is this a sort of “barack HUSSEIN obama” thing?
Severin hasn’t been very tolerant of people with latin-sounding names like his own. I’m guessing that’s the point, if there is one.
Just kidding.
p>Point is that he’s a carefully-managed image of what he really is. He’s James Severino, lying jackass who claims to shtup his subordinates, rather than Jay Severin, brilliant political player and suave Don Juan.
where changing one’s name is a tradition dating fron vaudeville and probably earlier. Even if he’s some kind of journalist or political commentator, name changes date to the time of the revolution.
p>FRankly, I think you should drop it, because it looks to me like you’re “just kidding” is more true than your second paragraph, and detracts from what appears to be an otherwise valid points.