The signatures are in for Krapanke – who will now face a new election and have to fight for his seat see also for more in depth coverage see the Lacrosse Tribune story
There are 19 recalls underway. Pat Scheller, who is called the organizer of the recall effort against Krapanke denied even being a Democrat, but made clear he was disgusted with Krapanke’s lack of fortitude in going along with Walker, though he thought Krapanke is a decent human being; should the motto be “no wimps in Wisconsin”?
Remember, you can make a difference, small donations from all of us can counter the Kochtopus’ GIGANTIC fortune. Here is the information for donating to support these recall efforts once again: to donate to the Wisconsin recall
Go Wisconsin Dems! Three cheers for buyers remorse – and the remorse of all those who hadn’t bothered to vote and thus garenteed Walker’s victory and the victory of the Radical Dinosaur Republicans in Wisconsin, the state of LaFollette who was definitely NOT the same kind of Republican as Walker since Lafollette was anti’bossism – would LaFolette have courted the Kochtopus? I don’t think so!
Is Walker’s Draconian Bill even legal? At least one inquiring judicial mind wants to know.
Remember to vote in your town elections, vote in special elections, never waste your precious vote. Ask Geraldo Alicea – every vote counts. Don’t regret your failure to vote as you see a candidate you loathe elected because YOU and so many others were too lazy to vote!!
p>First, I apologize because this is not related to the topic at hand.
p>However, I wanted to take the opportunity to say kudos to you for the letter to the editor you had in the Herald on application of Open Meeting Laws to the Legislature. Well done and I agree. Thank you for writing it, I think your position is shared by many.
The link to Double Standard
p>Thanks for noticing. No, it isn’t related to my pleasure that the Winsconson Radical Republicans may lose their seats because the woke the voters up by going to far….but is related to issues regarding good governance locally.
I meant “they woke the voters up by going too far”
Michigan’s Governor Snyder (famous for unemployment benefit cuts parallel with corporate tax cuts – is that like an eye for an eye?) may face recall in July. Wisconsin’s Governor Walker may lose his rubber stamps. Maybe the best way to fight the corporatists is on the state and local level as they have the federals sewed up.
p>We’ve seen violence used by government officials either openly or covertly through their agents provocateur. The people’s only defense is through law. If it is taken from us, or worse, relinquished by us we have no hope. Government’s capacity for violence is immeasurable.
p>To be fair, Governor Walker is showing himself to be a regular
guypolitician at heart by giving the son of a big contributor asecondthird chance.<
p>“Democracy is being allowed to vote for the candidate you dislike least.” –Robert Byrne