Earth Day 2011
Make Your Voice Heard on Earth Day
Thursday, April 21
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Educational Fair
12:30 pm- Lobby Training
1:00 pm- Lobby Visits
This year’s event will feature both an educational tabling as well as lobby training. We anticipate that more than 20 different environmental organizations from around the Great Boston Area will come out in support. Sponsors for this event include Senator Marc Pacheco and Representative Frank Smizik. Additionally, Michael Dukakis has graciously agreed to come speak at the event in support of 1% for the Environment in the budget, an issue that should be a major concern to all residents of Massachusetts. We encourage participants of all ages and walk to life to come join us in making our voices heard-whether it be Bottle Bill, E-Waste or Safer Alternatives. Participants are welcomed to interject their local issue as well! We hope to see you all there!! If you have any questions, please contact Phil at
Supporting organizations: Sierra Club, Clean Water Action, Environmental League of Massachusetts, Mass Audubon, The Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow, The Trustees of Reservations.
Environment Massachusetts is also a supporting organization ;). And I cannot stress the importance of this event enough for those of you concerned about environmental issues in MA. Particularly around the budget. Simply put, Environmental agencies, particularly DCR and DEP, can no longer keep doing the work they have been doing with less money. They are stretched thin and now we will start to see real consequences.
p>Thanks, MLEV, for posting!