We spoke about who might run against Brown. He listed the possibles and whether he saw an interest from ex-U.S. Rep. Joe Kennedy. (No spoiler in this post.)
Walsh reprised his recent discussion at Suffolk’s Rappaport Center on lessons learned from recent elections. We hit on the apparent anomaly of the special election versus the great victories in the 2010 elections.
He described what he sees coming in the next election, as well as why voters go GOP or Dem here.
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…needs to get out and speak where the public can hear him, not just at party events where he preaches to the choir. He gave quite the speech at a recent event in Newburyport, which voters need to hear.
He also held the stage at the Rappaport Center function. He’s good.
Walsh could take on brown…he may be our only hope at this point.
He didn’t take the bait.
…is akin to Bill Weld in 1994.
p>Hell, they both even have Bob Massie in common.
p>Best we can hope is to make him spend money and keep him busy here in Massachusetts so he isn’t out stumping against Obama in Ohio or Pennsylvania….
Just an FYI.
The fact that 16 years ago, when both campaigning and the political climate were very different Bob did not win does not mean he cannot & would not win today.
p>And, sure, Brown is like Weld in some ways (photogenic and shallow) but not in others. Weld is and was a blue-blood who become quickly boared with governance and departed. Brown is no blue blood, but rather someone with his hand out taking money from oligarchs like the Kochs, more or less what was called a “mushroom” in Victorian times, a shallow social climber without morals. I find Brown’s backers like the Koch’s dangerous and corrupting – and his votes anti-environment and against the interests of his constituents in Massachusetts.
p>I am sure Brown would be likeable over coke and a burger – Massie IS likeable and a good listener, as well as the reality that Massie has build organizations like Ceres Corp – knows how to lead from the front as opposed to Brown, who as far as I can tell basically knows how to shill.
p>Disclosures: Yes – I have chosen my candidate, and this time it is “personal” in that I actually know Bob Massie.
p>After the debacle of supporting John edwards – aka the Portrait of Dorian Gray I am unlikely to go the ‘extra mile’ without due diligence and a belief I know the ‘real person’.
your letter to the ed in today’s Herald is spot on.
And it seems to me we have agreed, actually, more than we have disagreed. As to Scott Brown, while he is personable enough, I really don’t like his votes most of the time, and I don’t see any vision or courage of his convictions – and him having his hand in Koch’s pocket is something I find makes me feel rather queasy and uncomfortable as to his morals/integrity.