On April 18th, 1775, Paul Revere rallied five hundred of his countrymen to face the might of the British army at Lexington and Concord. These patriots were afraid. The British army was strong. But each and every one of those five hundred patriots made the decision to stand up and fight for what he believed in.
Two hundred and thirty-six years later, that backbone is nowhere to be seen. Our Democratic politicians have allowed Tea Party Republicans to slash the budget and have barely fought back. Today we face real crises: unemployment, a budget deficit, a trade deficit, crumbling systems of education and infrastructure, climate change, a global AIDS epidemic, attacks on reproductive health services, attacks on public-sector workers, attacks on public and community service programs…and the list goes on.
But we cannot cut our way out of these problems. Slashing the budgets for AmeriCorps, Jumpstart, and Teach for America won’t rebuild education. Defunding the Environmental Protection Agency won’t stop climate change. And these programs represent a tiny fraction of our budget. Attacking low-budget community programs won’t solve our long-term fiscal problems. John Boehner and his Tea Party Congress tell us that we need to cut low-cost, high-impact community programs without considering closing the tax loopholes that allow corporate giants like General Electric to pay nothing in taxes.
Common sense has been lost on the Tea Party, but that is no excuse for Democrats to continue to stand idly by. We’re calling on John Kerry to take an aggressive stand, instead of allowing the Tea Party Congress to continue enacting devastating budget cuts while wealthy Americans and corporations are let off the hook with the Bush-era tax cuts.
At 10:00am on April 18th, fifty marchers will retrace Revere’s route in reverse from Lexington to Boston. At 4:00pm we will rally with five hundred modern-day patriots-one for each of the minutemen who stood up that fateful day-at the Paul Revere Mall in Boston.
We’re standing up for American communities-will you stand for what you believe in?
March for Common Sense
Monday April 18th 4:00pm
Paul Revere Mall, Boston