MassEquality recruited 62 organizers and 110 volunteers for Gov. Deval Patrick’s campaign, and assigned a dedicated volunteer to work full-time on the Patrick campaign who liaised with the LGBT community. MassEquality also brought in a full third of the money raised for the governor during an October fundraiser by LGBT community leaders.
MassEquality also assigned field staff to work on the campaigns of winning incumbent state Representatives Jen Benson, Demetrius Atsalis, Tom Sannicandro, and Harold Naughton. MassEquality did the same for incumbent state Senators Karen Spilka, Sal DiDomenico, and newly elected state Senator Katherine Clark, who left her seat as a state rep to run for the senate. We also dedicated staff to the campaigns of Dan Wolf and Eileen Donoghue, who won open senate seat challengers in the Cape and Islands (Wolf) and First Middlesex (Donoghue).
More specifically, MassEquality made 46,000 phone calls to MassEquality members during the primary and general election season to recruit volunteers, and educate members about candidates we’d endorsed; recruited 62 organizers for Gov. Deval Patrick’s campaign and 110 volunteers; dispatched nearly 100 volunteers to work for our endorsed candidates on Election Day; mailed 86,000 pieces of campaign literature about our endorsed candidates to district households; and knocked on thousands of doors for candidate during the campaigns and on Election Day.
All told, MassEquality’s work helped retain the state’s pro-LGBT equality supermajority in the state legislature. If you would like to make a donation, but are unable to attend, please click here.