I’ve recently been accepted as the “Boston Political Buzz Examiner” at Examiner.com.
I recently posted exposing the link between Peter Durant’s campaign and the voter intimidation efforts going on in the 6th Worcester district (hint: the same people are organizing both). See: http://www.examiner.com/political-buzz-in-boston/peter-durant-campaign-is-behind-voter-intimidation-sixth-worcester-district for details.
Ralph Zazula of Show ID to Vote sent me a Facebook message challenging me to debate this issue. So we’re going to debate it over at Examiner.com. His Facebook message, and my responses, are here: http://www.examiner.com/political-buzz-in-boston/debating-show-id-to-vote-peter-durant-voter-intimidation-campaign
Stay tuned. Primary day was most likely just a dress rehearsal for the real thing on May 10.
taxman_10m says
You mention this:
Wyatt being on the Board of Directors of a state PAC is illegal because he’s a member of Boylston’s school board.
What’s the law?