City of Boston Finance Commission
Minutes of the Meeting of May 5, 2011
The Finance Commission meeting was convened at 5:00 PM
at 152 North Street, room 309, Boston, MA. The meeting was
attended by commission members Paul Minihane (Chairman),
Robert O’Connell, Reuben Kantor, and James Weliky as well
as office staff Matthew Cahill (Executive Director) and Michael
The first item on the agenda was the introduction of newly
appointed commission member James Weliky. It was further
noted that Reuven Steinberg was also appointed as a commission
The commission was informed of efforts regarding a report
that the office staff is currently creating regarding efficiencies in
government and increasing revenues.
The commission discussed the creation of a web site (see
previous minutes). The site is currently in development and a
prototype will be presented for discussion at the June 2011
The office staff and commission members offered several
ideas for possible future business which will be discussed at the
June 2011 meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM.
A true copy.
Matthew A. Cahill
Executive Director
email Matt.Cahill at cityofboston.gov
City of Boston Finance Commission
Minutes of the Meeting of April 7, 2011
The Finance Commission meeting was convened at 5:00 PM
at 152 North Street, room 309, Boston, MA. The meeting was
attended by commission members Paul Minihane (Chairman),
Robert O’Connell and Reuben Kantor as well as office staff
Matthew Cahill (Executive Director) and Michael Levangie.
The first item on the agenda was a discussion of city owned
property. Executive Director Cahill suggested to the commission
that the office review recently announced building closures.
The commission agreed unanimously that further research was
warranted and that the results would be presented and discussed at
a future meeting.
The next agenda item was a review of transportation
technologies and revenues. The commission voted unanimously
that the office continue to review and continue to monitor these
issues and report at future commission meetings.
The commissioners brought forth the lack of a Finance
Commission web presence for discussion. It was unanimous that
there should be more discussion regarding the needs of the
department to create an internet presence.
The commission was informed by Director Cahill that the
City of Boston is currently involved in union negotiations with
multiple unions. Recent media reports regarding medical coverage
may have an effect on the negotiations. The office will inform the
commission on any agreements as they become available.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 PM.
A true copy.
Matthew A. Cahill
Executive Director
email Matt.Cahill at cityofboston.gov
City of Boston
Finance Commmission
152 North Street
Room 309
Boston MA 02109
tel 617 635-2202
fax 617 635-2206
email Matt.Cahill at cityofboston.gov
[Boston City Seal]
God Be with Us as He Was with Our Fathers
Boston, Founded in the Year of Our Lord 1630
City Status Granted by the Authority of the State in the Year of Our Lord 1822