Krugman laments the “Republican Descent into Darkness“: “it’s all spending cuts and tight money, which would be a recipe for another recession”.
I’m amazed that Krugman and other liberal economists don’t seem to “get” – this is a feature, not a bug. The Republicans want a double-dip recession. It’s really their only electoral chance against Obama. As a wise political head once said – “It’s the economy, stupid”. You can’t beat someone with no one, unless the ecenomy is bad, I guess.
Winning the next election is all that matters. And low taxes on millionaires.
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I think this requires evidence because there are enough Republicans not in leadership who truly believe inflation is a huge risk, the weakening of the dollar threatens catastrophe, and austerity leads to prosperity.
Conservatives don’t just have different values from liberals; they also have a different understanding of the world.