So it appears that Scott Brown was in Western Massachusetts today. All the more interesting, he was not here for a booksigning or to speak in front of the Young Republican Club of Westfield. No, he actually looked around. Indeed, it appears that Eric Ferhnstrom even had canned some quotes for him that he knew the kiddies out here would love. The Republican quotes Brown saying, “I’m here to learn… there is life after 128 and also past 495”
Speaking as a Western Massachusetts resident, I know how it often feels like Boston treats us like there is no life past 495 (I don’t think the 128 crowd doubt that life exists between them and 495, however). Still, it is going to take more than a few photo ops in Agawam and mingling with the metro area’s elite in Wilbraham to show that he has any real appreciation for our problems.
If you would like to learn, Senator, perhaps you should consider what has been going on in the region’s biggest city (and to a lesser extent in Greenfield and Russell) where efforts are being fought to hold back biomass plants, whose health effects are unknown. Then you might realize that when the League of Women Voters came at you (with requests for constituents to call you), the response of a man of the people would be to apologize for your EPA vote. You might recognize that you voted for an amendment that would not protect small businesses, but in fact hinder your constituents’ efforts to be sure their air is clean. You would see that the LWV are not the special interests. In fact, the special interests are the Koch brothers and the Callahan family, who wants to build the Springfield plant and would benefit from an EPA unable to regulate biomass.
Maybe next time you complain, Senator, about deficit spending on frivolities like extended unemployment insurance, you would remember Western Massachusetts and many of its cities have jobless rates higher than the commonwealth’s average. So instead of putting tax breaks for the top 1% on the charge card for your friends at MassMutual (who generally do not like to be seen with you, remember that confusion over what you said they said over Dodd-Frank), when looking for spare change to legitimately pay for unemployment, start with ending oil subsidies. We out here don’t have the luxury of an adjacent uber-frugal Granite State to get cheap(er) gasoline even as we line Big Oil’s pockets.
With lower than average income for the state as whole, the expanded eligibility for subsidies to buy health insurance under the national health care law will be greatly appreciated among those who need it. Instead of railing against a law remarkably similar to the one you voted for on Beacon Hill, you would embrace the positive impact it would have on your constituents out here.
Yes, Senator, you said there will be plenty of time for politicking next year and you’re right (slap me, I agree with you on something) and thanks for dipping your toe into the 413. However, representing people is not just taking token votes on Planned Parenthood or Privatizing Medicare. It is responding to our concerns and our problems with more than just Koch-ed up boilerplate.
stomv says
I’ve often wondered why MA senators don’t fly from DC to Albany once a quarter or so and spend the weekend in Western Mass. Mix in a few local meetings, some hours of relaxation in the beautiful outdoor areas, eat in a local diner or two. It seems like you’d get winning press, win some hearts and minds out west, and enjoy the weekend to boot.