Cross-posted locally.
Right before the lineup cards were being exchanged on the field, a noise from above distracted the spectators as the 55-foot long helicopter buzzed over trees in left field, circled the outfield and landed in an adjacent football field. Christie disembarked from the helicopter and got into a black car with tinted windows that drove him about a 100 yards to the baseball field.
What a dedicated Dad. For four innings.
During the 5th inning, Christie and First Lady Mary Pat Christie got into the car, rode back to the helicopter and left the game. During a pitching change, play was stopped for a couple of minutes while the helicopter took off.
The game was being held at St. Joseph Regional High School in Montvale in Bergen County. Christie watched the game from the stands, flanked by State Police security guards.
As a reminder, Jane Swift got in big trouble (political trouble anyway) for using a helicopter to go home and babysit her infant twins.
Say goodbye to your VP slot, Gov. Christie, if the press pays attention to this.
Tough times are for little people to endure, and bigwigs to enjoy.
but driving autos/SUVs on ball fields isn’t good for the surface of the fields. Christi isn’t exactly filled with helium either.
Just sayin!
I wonder how the helicopter got to North Adams.
when he promoted the post?
It saves a lot of time just to spew out talking points. đŸ˜‰
Just like you are never not the President, you are never not the Governor. Would not the Obamas use a combination of Air Force One/Marine One even for private vacations? Has the President driven his personal vehicle at all since January 2009? Being chauffered on the ground for 100 yards did seem a bit much.
Tha analogy doesn’t work. Governors are understood to have some down time. The president has none.
Does anyone else remember how Dukakis got around when he was governor?
I never saw the taking the T to work thing as that much of a virtue. Did he ever travel beyond west of the Riverside station? What did he do then?
NOT a helicopter.
And riding the T WAS a virtue, politically, because he was practicing what he preached. And if you don’t think it was a big deal, ride the Green Line for a few months.
Spoken as a “big guy” myself, Christie is somebody for whom a 100-yard walk could only do good.