Looking for a way to do something fun, get some exercise and support a politician of your choice? Consider marching in the Boston Pride with your favorite Democratic candidate or office holder.
So often as Democratic activists we have to make choices between helping our candidates and spending time with friends. There are actually many ways that we can do both! There are a number of opportunities to march with candidates. ‘
Check out the Pride Parade and then plan to march or watch. If you have never taken part or are not familiar with the political side of the parade watch this coverage from last year.
I couldn’t find a list of all the candidates who are looking for folks to march with them. I’ll let them speak for themselves, if they choose to so. Post your request in the comments here.
There is also a “Boston Pride Cockiail Party” which is a fundraiser for the Bay State Stonewall Democrat at the 21st Amendment Restaurant at 150 Bowdoin Street, near the end of the parade route. $25 Student Rate, $50 Activist Rate, $100 Patron, $150 Host committee. They say, “Join Fellow Democrats and supporters as we come together for our annual Pride Celebration! After you watch the parade head over to 21st Amendment Bar And Grill for some Food and Cocktails.”
Anyone have any stories about the parade?
State Treasurer Steve Grossman will be marching in tomorrow’s Boston Pride Parade and would be honored if you’d consider marching with him.
Team Grossman plans to meet at the Tremont Street entrance to Union Park (next to 571 Tremont Street) at 11am. We will move to our staging location after everybody has arrived.
We are asking that everybody show up decked out in festive Grossman orange and blue and bring a friend if you can.
You can RSVP here on facebook, or by emailing (Josh@SteveGrossman.com) or calling (617.777.2027) Josh Dawson, Executive Director of the Steve Grossman Committee.
Happy Pride!
Best regards,
Joshua L. Dawson
Executive Director
Steve Grossman Committee
e. josh@stevegrossman.com
m. 617.777.2027
o. 617.426.5118