The recent discussions use the term undue influence of money. The toned down term represents our toned down expectations and increasingly lack of ability to be shocked.
Rod Blagojevic appeared to really believe that selling a Senate seat was the way things are done? Are they?
Evidence that government contracts, (DiMasi), licenses, (Wilkerson), Supreme Court Decisions, (Clarence Thomas), budget earmarks and more votes at all levels are for sale, is loosing shock value.
CNN reported yesterday that the Marriage Equality legislation came down to the votes of a few Republicans that were convinced by promises of financial “cover”, that is financial “support” or in base terms money, to win their votes.
Republican donors invited him, [James S. Alesi, a Republican from suburban Rochester], to a meeting on Park Avenue, telling him they would eagerly support him if he backed same-sex marriage. Behind NY Gay Marriage:
Bribery: The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of something of value for the purpose of influencing the action of an official in the discharge of his or her public or legal duties.
Is this now accepted? Although its only a small step from the previous unspoken understanding that money would likely reward a vote or would be cut off for voting the wrong way, its a big one. Closed meetings reported openly on CNN and NY Times without any condemnation. Rod Blagojevic gives us insight to politicians that instead of studying merits of legislation, are studying the personal political and financial implications of each bill.
Marriage Equality is important. Its just frustrating that the only way to pass important legislation is to pay more than the opposition. It reminds me of all the other good legislation that will not be passed because we could not scrape up enough money to out-finance the banks, insurance companies, casino developers…..
Then the USA has stopped being a representative democracy, we have lost our republic, and are, in fact, an oligarchy of plutocrats and wage serfs.
THAT is not “government of, by, and for the people”. It and may be why I just cannot get myself to accept “invitations” to parties with price tags. That is not an “invitation” – that is pay to play. Call a fundraiser a fundraiser, and please don’t sell tickets to birthday “parties” that mean only those who can afford to pay can play.
…where the donations are suggested, and I have been known to take the suggestion “under advisement” if you know what I mean. That being said, another argument for public financing.