Gotta love cellphone cameras and smart progressives. Congressman Paul Ryan, he of the privitize medicare and cut social security for those most in need, was caught at dinner ordering $350 bottles of wine. Of course Ryan denies it and being a standup guy blames his tablemates.
This from TMP:<!– SEND TO FRIEND
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), a leading advocate of shrinking entitlement spending and the architect of the plan to privatize Medicare, spent Wednesday evening sipping $350 wine with two like-minded conservative economists at the swanky Capitol Hill eatery Bistro Bis.
It was the same night reports started trickling out about President Obama pressing Congressional leaders to consider changes to Social Security and Medicare in exchange for GOP support for targeted tax increases.
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“All Animals are Equal; but some are more Equal” – that is the Capitol Hill, Beacon Hill entitlement syndrome, that along with the revolving door into true Big Money as a member of the Lobbyists World tribe.
The only antidote, if any, is a combination of the ballot box (with energized citizens actually voting in droves) and folks like you and I paying close attention.