Before we go too far down this road, let me be clear. The Republican Party are mostly no good bastards that regularly lie to America, so as to ensure a steady migration of wealth from the middle class to the upper-upper class. They pose on principles, but their god is money and greed is their holy ghost.
I am looking forward to the upcoming MA Senate race in 2012. It’s fairly clear that Senator Scott Brown is an empty suit, bent on finagling his votes to provide a fig leaf over his diligent service to his corporate masters. Having attended the MADP convention in Lowell, I was fortunate to get a sampling of the Dems vying for the nomination and a chance to replace Brown, as our junior Senator. A quick handicap of the primary; Massie’s organizing demonstrated a keen eye on the grassroots. Khazei is working on his media and communications craft. As Kahzei knows grassroots like the back of his hand, I’m leaning Khazei.
That said, I am intrigued by Elizabeth Warren. Her potential candidacy has sent progressives into a frenzy. Folks, frenzy leads to stoopid.
Almost the minute Elizabeth Warren’s name popped as a viable option, meaning after Obama selected Richard Corcray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the progressive channels began to chatter. This caught my eye:
(bold mine)
Elizabeth Warren has a track record of holding Wall Street accountable and fighting for regular people like us. Now, she’s considering winning back Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat from Republican Scott Brown in 2012. Let’s tell her she’d have our support!
I just happen to know someone that had a hand in drafting this online fundraising …ploy. I fired off an e-mail:
“X,” that sorta frame whips up the base. For fundraising, maybe it is worth the payoff. But politcally, it is a proven turd. Brown ran on “The People’s Seat” and his pickup truck.
Please be careful.
A response arrived:
Hey Jack… apologies for the delayed response on this. I agree with you on this and I’m going to work to talk to folks around here about it.
These emails are largely focused on firing up the base for donations, but you’re totally right that while that might work now its not a winning strategy when talking to non-progressives.
Thanks for the note, keep ’em comin’ and, again, apologies for the delay.
I can only hope that the progressive messaging shifts and we steer clear of a frame that is a proven turd. But, consultants can be stoopid.
Part II of my rant comes on the heels of last night’s POTUS prime time address. Obama urged Americans to speak up:
The American people may have voted for divided government, but they didn’t vote for a dysfunctional government. So I’m asking you all to make your voice heard. If you want a balanced approach to reducing the deficit, let your member of Congress know. If you believe we can solve this problem through compromise, send that message.
That was smart. The stooopid comes next.
Immediately on my Facebook page I see the MADP pushing this:
Contact Senator Brown and ask him to support President Obama’s balanced approach to raise the debt ceiling.
Seeing red, I commented:
We should call Brown, for sure. How about we call the liberals in our House delegation? They could be a significant impediment to a balanced approach, as well.
I completely understand why the MADP is focused on Brown, but it is blatant politics in a moment where we need to transcend certain elements of politics. The fact that MADP targeted Brown, as opposed to liberal members of our House delegation, speaks volumes to Independents and conserva-Dems. Look, Scott Brown will vote, not how the “Tea Party” wants, but how Wall Street wants. You can bet your sweet ass on that!
So, the MADP conveniently misplaced the hard reality that any “grand plan” or even a “clean bill” will likely need to come with votes from progressive House members, like Mike Capuano, et al. The current debt crisis remedy being floated comes from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. It offers cuts and little to no revenue increases. How hard do you think we will have to push Scott Brown to vote for that? Harder than most of our House delegation?
The trick for local politcal types is to harness the national energy and bend it towards local matters. Scott Brown has got to GO! Let’s just not shoot ourselves in the foot, like Martha Coakley did.
I got an e-mail today called “The Stakes Couldn’t Be Higher.” You know what, they could. The stakes could be higher. They were higher in 2000, and in 2008.
Could you build out your point, please.
I think, in the past, the stakes may have been higher for us as a nation, but the threat of default has global ramifications. More and more we see stories about “America holding the world hostage.”
And even if we did, it wouldn’t be for long.
The real stakes are the future, and we aren’t settling the future this month, even if we try.
I go back and forth on our stoopidity. Sometimes I envy the way the GOP lets its members run wild and never tells them to stop or even slow down.
Lately, though, that tendency is backfiring on them in a big way.
Or is it just so inconceivable that Dems could screw the pooch?
This largely ignored diary made it to the rec column. Things must be slow. However, I added (Constructive Criticism) to the title on the odd chance that it will do better with some honey.