Moses led the Jews out from Egyptian slavery and presented them with the option of freedom and responsibility. Not an easy task. First he wandered around for forty years to get rid of the generation brought up with the “being a slave” mentality. Then he found himself with a new generation who no longer had the slave mentality, but had lost their work ethic having received constant manna from heaven…
Greater freedoms came, but to what purpose?…
…the elusive notion of national freedom will be compatible with individual perspective and achievement. Somehow they managed to do this.
That is how Joshua could then lead the Jews from boring manna to the Promised Land of Milk and Honey. Note: not Oil and Gold. And this promise is for good reasons too. Milk and Honey are returns on capital. One must groom the hive of bees, the cows, and use one’s brains to sustain them in arid lands. In other words, you must be entrepreneurial and you must execute.
Can Europe Become the New Land of Milk and Honey?
by Reuven Brenner
…with a little cooperation (there’s that damned word again) of old school diligence and new technology.
BTW, didn’t see your header (milk and honey) until after I had submitted my post. Wasn’t trying to steal thunder, guess it seemed to be on more than one mind today…