“…it’s a no-brainer”
–Sen. Scott Brown
Senator Scott Brown spent most of yesterday’s visit to Amherst in the woods. He wasn’t hiding exactly, though he seems to have made his way quickly to the top of Bare Mountain, a steep, if short climb that ends in a nice view of the Pioneer Valley.
Brown was reportedly invited to visit our part of the New England National Scenic trail system by the Appalachian Mountain Club (a photo shows him with AMC’s well-heeled executive director who lives in Lincoln, MA), which wanted to thank him for his support of the environment [sic]. The senator elaborated on his support in the insightful way to which we political junkies have become accustomed:
Supporting the environment, Brown said, “these are bipartisan issues, it’s a no-brainer.” Looking around, he noted “We have incredible natural resources.”
In the spite of his support of the environment, the environment was evidently less supportive of him. WWLP reports that Brown was
bombarded by a large group of protesters who were campaigning for universal healthcare, tax increases for the rich, and an end to the overseas wars. Many of them followed him all the way up the New England National Scenic trail.
In spite of protesters (including ocasional BMGer Leo Maley) who called for higher taxationor Brown asseverated:
‘Before people want to give more money to the federal government, they want to do away with all the waste and inefficiencies, and make sure that’s fixed first. Let’s do that first that’s what I hear everywhere.”
Amherst may not be everywhere, but it’s certainly somewhere. And somewhere, I’m sure, is located somewhere within everywhere. At least he didn’t say everyone. Because recent polls show a majority of Americans favor increasing taxes on the rich, which would include the guy in the picture who’s pulling down more than $300,000 at his job.
Before leaving Amherst (actually the outskirts of Amherst), Brown spoke of his record and his goalsr:
The Senator said he believes job creation is the key to economic recovery. He’s co-sponsored two bills in the Senate to create jobs.
One is the Innovate America Act which would boost science, technology, engineering, and math education and create a collaborative between colleges and businesses.
The second is the America Opportunity Act which would provide a 25 percent federal income tax credit for innovative start up businesses in Massachusetts.
Brown failed to mention the fact that he may have sponsored the bill, but also voted to kill it. He must have forgotten that he voted against cloture (BMGer Hester Prynne has pointed out) for the Innovate America Act that he’s bragging about sponsoring. I know the GOP has this idea that they can save America by destroying it, but isn’t voting against your own legislation taking things a little too far? And how much you wanna bet he let the smart girl sitting next to him in the Senate do the heavy lifting on that one?
All in all, Brown seems to have had a nice little trip. I was with my family at Mystic Aquarium yesterday or I’d have been there to see the senator in all his glory. I often hike at the Notch with my dogs, LBJ and JFK.
I do want to mention for the record: no elected federal official has done more for the trail–at least in our neck of the woods–than Congressman John Olver who not only donated a substantial portion of his own property to the system (Olver lives adjacent to the trail system) but also shepherded other land aquistion and rights-of-way through Congress. You want support, you want constituent service, don’t look to Scott Brown. Look to Congressman John Olver.
And while I think of it, what the hell’s up with this? I found this picture looking for a good one for Brown’s viist. I couldn’t resist clicking on the $150 baseball bat signted by Scott Brown. The girl seems nice enough, and I certainly don’t want the senator get all King Phillip on me, but I don’t get it. Who the hell would pay $150 for a bat signed by a senator who used to be a lawyer that moonlighted as a model? And what’s this girl got to do with it? I don’t think she’s his daughter.
Thanks for the shout out, Mark. (“…protesters (including ocasional BMGer Leo Malley) who called for…”)
The Springfield Republican got my last name wrong.
It is Maley (not Malley).
Republican officials by and large mean “scenic vacation spots”. As far as I recall, that’s what the recent President Bush always seemed to mean by the term.
So if we choose to speak that language, Senator Brown was visiting “the environment” and expressing his support for “it”.