From Jonathan Chait’s blog
President Obama favors a fiscal adjustment based on a mix of spending cuts and higher revenue, ideally through a tax reform that produces lower rates.
I never heard Obama say this. Does he really believe it? If so, this would be a much better road to go down than another losing fight on stimulus.
Please share widely!
Christopher says
This has been my understanding of what he wants for awhile and I didn’t just pull it out of my sleeve. If he does want to stimulus (and God knows we need lots more of it) he probably shouldn’t use the word and hammer that it’s a jobs bill. We need to frame the debate and control the messaging.
seascraper says
Obama’s position in the debt debate was “we need to raise taxes”. Or maybe “if we offer to cut Medicare, the Republicans should offer to raise taxes”.
My guess is Chait is just dressing up Obama’s position. He never said anything like that. But if he believes it, he should get together with Pat Toomey of the Super Committee who has said essentially the same thing:
Christopher says
…with someone who makes stuff up. The President has said repeatedly that he wants a balanced approach of tax increases and spending cuts. I don’t think he agrees with Toomey who sounds like a typical discredited supply-sider.
seascraper says
What part of “lower rates” equals “tax increases”
why are you so dense
Christopher says
Toomey was arguing that lower rates equals greater growth, which is what I was pushing back on.
Mark L. Bail says
that he wanted a mix of increased revenue and spending cuts. Depending on your source (i.e. NRO), you could end up with an extremely skewed presentation of the facts.
Here’s a excerpt from a CNN timeline:
In June, he specifically mentioned closing tax loopholes using the egregious, but not very costly, a tax break for corporate jets.
WaPo reported on July 25: