I am pleased to announce that our full campaign website is now available at: www.tomconroy.org . You will find there a full array of information about me and my campaign and about the people and issues that I have been engaging from all around the Commonwealth on my 600-Mile Walk and listening tour. In addition to walking with me and meeting me at the many places I am stopping,I have enabled a variety of ways in which you can add your input and your voice through our new site.
In our representative democracy, elected officials must constantly listen to voters in order to understand their concerns and advocate for their priorities. I welcome and urge your input. I will add your voice to the thousands of Massachusetts voters I have heard from as a state representative and during my walk around the Commonwealth this summer. Please let me know your thoughts, ideas, stories, research, and perspectives: Add your Voice!
Elected officials must also do their homework. I have encountered, analyzed, and fact-checked many of the important issues and challenges facing the people of Massachusetts and our nation. My breadth and depth of education and professional experience has given me an extensive and first-hand understanding of national security and foreign policy, the economy, job creation, our education and health care systems, environmental protection, veterans affairs, and other issues. My perspectives on these and other matters, stemming from voter input and my own principles, are outlined below.
I want to bring your voice to Washington with courage, conviction, and compassion, to ensure that the perspectives of folks just like you are being heard in the U.S. Senate. I am a veteran of two very tough races — and wins — against a Republican just like Scott Brown. I know Scott Brown well and I know his weaknesses. I know how to run and how to win.
I vow to be your advocate, and not be captive to the kind of lobbyists and special interest groups that are pouring money into Scott Brown’s coffers. I am confident that, with hard work, integrity, innovation, and common sense, we can bring the will of the people back to the halls of Congress and ultimately return America to a long-term path toward peace, prosperity, and opportunity for all.