It was all-too reminiscent of the scene in Boston, at Northeastern University, on January 16, 2010. Back then, President Obama opened the desperation rally to try and save Martha Coakley’s senatorial candidacy by greeting the crowd with “Hello Boston.” People were still milling around finding seats so he said it again, “Hello Boston.”
No No No. People in Worcester positively hate being told that they are part of Boston. Especially the middle-aged white guys in a swath from Billerica through Worcester and on south who voted for Ted Kennedy over Mitt Romney but were not going to vote for Coakley.
And yesterday, September 8, 2011, as the president , trying to “reassure investors” (what could that possibly mean?), had the same forced smile, the same tight-lipped expression of that cold day in January, 2010. Does this guy have any fight in him at all? Yesterday he once again had the look of a high-priced corporate attorney “reassuring” investors after major indictments against his company have just been handed down. “Markets will rise and fall, but this is Malware industries. No matter what the indictments say we’ve always been and always will be a triple-A company.” Reassured, anyone?
It’s the voters who need reassurance, Mr. President. Even, lord knows, the progressive voters who opened their pocketbooks and worked their asses off in 2008.
Hello Boston. So long, Worcester