Michele Bachmann once condemned Barak Obama for his “anti-American” views and suggested that the media should investigate “anti-American” sentiments in Congress. Ms. Bachmann would later retract what she said about Barack Obama, however she has never retracted her general position that there are those on Capitol Hill who harbor “anti-American” sentiments. Now that Bachmann has jumped into the forefront of the 2012 Republican presidential race will she turn and condemn “anti-American” views on the right?
Rick Perry, who recently threw his hat into the ring had once suggested that Texas could leave the Union. Isn’t that an anti-American sentiment? If you believe that America should remain as it is and that the strength of this country is a function of how it is presently constituted shouldn’t Rick Perry’s comments be seen as anti-American? Didn’t we settle this question with the outcome of the Civil War? Why raise the specter of another Civil War when the country is in the midst of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression? Needless to say Texas leaving the Union would cause significant disruption with all of the military bases there, the fact that much of our petrochemical industry is there and a good portion of the through flow of trade with Mexico comes through Texas. Thus wouldn’t Texas leaving the Union directly threaten the well being of the united States? Will Michele Bachmann take Rick Perry to task on this?
Ron Paul, during the Iowa Debates on August 12, suggested that Iran’s attaining of nuclear weapons is not a concern of ours. Isn’t this also an anti-American sentiment? Even though Iran doesn’t currently have the capability to strike U.S. soil, a nuclear Iran could threaten Israel and American allies in Europe and Asia, thereby threatening our foreign policy and larger defense interests. Presently the Iranians have good relations with the Chinese and their acquiring of long range intercontinental ballistic missiles isn’t entirely out of the question. As such Ron Paul’s views here can clearly be seen as contrary to the best interests of American security. Isn’t Ron Paul guilty of anti-American sentiments as his tolerance of a nuclear Iran could ultimately put this very country in danger if and when the Iranians come to possess intercontinental ballistic missiles? Will Michele Bachmann take Ron Paul to task on this?
Well what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If Michele Bachmann is truly concerned about the threat of anti-Americans among us, isn’t she now required to go after those on the far right who harbor sentiments that could clearly be seen as inimical to the greater national security of the country that she now hopes to be elected president?
Will Bachmann Now Condemn Right-wing Anti-American Views?
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I’m not sure what the exercise in “catching” Rep. Bachmann in contradictions accomplishes. I suppose if one really, really enjoyed feeling superior to conservatives — or shooting fish in a barrel, it might provide some kind of satisfaction.