Ever since Rick Perry entered the 2012 race for president, Michele Bachmann’s fortunes have been heading south, not to South Carolina but into the political basement. The latest USA Today/Gallup poll shows that Bachmann is now polling in single digits compared to Rick Perry who is garnering a 31% favorability rating. That amounts to a 13% drop off for Bachmann since August. Why even her fellow traveler and unannounced potential candidate, Sarah Palin is outpolling Bachmann.
Its not just the polls and liberal media bias that are killing the Bachmann candidacy, to a large degree her problems are self inflicted. Hilary Clinton once said, after committing a gaffe on the campaign trail, that when you consider the thousands of statements that a candidate makes during a political race, a slip up here or there is to be expected. That’s certainly true, but with Michele Bachmann misstatements and mistakes are the rule rather than the exception and need no reiteration. Bachmann’s latest gaffe came as a result of her comments on the suggestion that a vaccine against a sexually transmitted disease could lead to “retardation.” To wit: “As experts quickly pointed out, there is no evidence whatsoever linking the vaccine to mental retardation — and Mrs. Bachmann ended up shifting the focus off Mr. Perry and on to her long-running penchant for exaggeration…her tendency to let her passion for an issue overwhelm a sober look at the facts, resulting in indefensible remarks that, in a presidential primary race, are raising questions about her judgment and maturity.” As it turns out Bachmann had spoke with the mother of a young lady who claimed that her daughter had become “retarded” after receiving the subject vaccine. Bachmann never took the time to look into the story instead preferring to jump to the conclusion, since proven to be incorrect, that the vaccine causes “retardation.” Bachmann’s Senior Advisor, Ed Rollins, was quick to point out the obvious, Bachmann had made a mistake. “People close to the campaign echoed Mr. Rollins. They spoke of their frustration that Mrs. Bachmann, who entered the race with a reputation for making unsupportable statements on cable television, has not found the discipline to win credibility with major Republican donors and influential referees in the conservative news media.”
Its not just the polls and liberal media bias that are killing the Bachmann candidacy, to a large degree her problems are self inflicted. Hilary Clinton once said, after committing a gaffe on the campaign trail, that when you consider the thousands of statements that a candidate makes during a political race, a slip up here or there is to be expected. That’s certainly true, but with Michele Bachmann misstatements and mistakes are the rule rather than the exception and need no reiteration. Bachmann’s latest gaffe came as a result of her comments on the suggestion that a vaccine against a sexually transmitted disease could lead to “retardation.” To wit: “As experts quickly pointed out, there is no evidence whatsoever linking the vaccine to mental retardation — and Mrs. Bachmann ended up shifting the focus off Mr. Perry and on to her long-running penchant for exaggeration…her tendency to let her passion for an issue overwhelm a sober look at the facts, resulting in indefensible remarks that, in a presidential primary race, are raising questions about her judgment and maturity.” As it turns out Bachmann had spoke with the mother of a young lady who claimed that her daughter had become “retarded” after receiving the subject vaccine. Bachmann never took the time to look into the story instead preferring to jump to the conclusion, since proven to be incorrect, that the vaccine causes “retardation.” Bachmann’s Senior Advisor, Ed Rollins, was quick to point out the obvious, Bachmann had made a mistake. “People close to the campaign echoed Mr. Rollins. They spoke of their frustration that Mrs. Bachmann, who entered the race with a reputation for making unsupportable statements on cable television, has not found the discipline to win credibility with major Republican donors and influential referees in the conservative news media.”
But its not just in the realm of public misstatements and pratfalls that Bachmann has an Achilles heel, her political track record, or lack thereof is just as big a problem. Bachmann appeared on Meet the Press on August 14th of this year and when David Gregory pointed out that she had never chaired a Congressional committee, had little to show in the way of successful legislation introduced and that her major calling card on Capitol hill is as a hard-line conservative. Bachmann was want for an effective comeback and running true to form she used Gregory’s question as an opportunity to regurgitate her usual talking points thereby avoiding and deflecting the question. For someone who has made a habit of pointing out Barack Obama’s lack of experience her attempts to downplay her own shortcomings on the subject of experience speaks volumes. Needless to say Bachmann’s lack of experience combined with here penchant for political extremism is enough to drive independents away from her candidacy in droves.
So we’re left to wonder at what point will Bachmann finally give up the ghost on this mismanaged and mangled campaign for the White House. After all, by now, it’s a matter of when not if and Bachmann’s inability to connect with major donors will only serve to hasten her exit. On the other hand Michelle Bachmann could become another Ron Paul, perpetually propelled by a small but energetic claque of supporters who buoy her hopes beyond the pale of what can reasonably be expected only to fail repeatedly and to then again resurface in the next political season. One way or the other, Michelle Bachmann is effectively finished in the world of presidential politics. Referencing Jim Dyke, a former communications director for the Republican National Committee, Bachmann’s latest gaffe may be the final nail in the coffin of her presidential campaign. Needless to say, Bachmann’s chances weren’t improved during last night’s Republican debate.
Poll: Bachmann Support Sliding; http://thepage.time.com/2011/09/19/poll-bachmann-support-sliding/
With Stakes for Bachmann Higher Now, Her Words Get in the Way; http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/16/us/politics/misstatements-shadow-bachmann-in-republican-presidential-race.html?_r=1&emc=eta1
Poll: Bachmann Support Sliding; http://thepage.time.com/2011/09/19/poll-bachmann-support-sliding/
With Stakes for Bachmann Higher Now, Her Words Get in the Way; http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/16/us/politics/misstatements-shadow-bachmann-in-republican-presidential-race.html?_r=1&emc=eta1
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She took ONE percent in the FL straw poll.
HERMAN CAIN won, with 37%. Mitt and Rick were a virtual tie at 14 AND 15 percents respectively, but Cain got more than both of the put together.
Maybe you can mind your own business now.