Has anyone sent an email to Elizabeth Warren’s campaign via elizabethwarren.com ? If you have, did you notice that you don’t receive an acknowledgement that it was received? I can imagine that they have 10,000+ emails sitting there waiting to be answered, but in today’s world that is no excuse for not sending back an auto-reply acknowledgement. Nothing can make a potential constituent feel worse than being ignored. So I have a few tips on how to run a successful campaign.
I can imagine that even if you have a correspondence staff of 10 it could take quite a while to answer a large amount of emails. I believe it’s pretty easy to set up an auto-reply. Don’t just say thanks for contacting us either, explain that due to a large amount of inquiries, it will take a while to respond. Your questions and comments are important. We will respond as quickly as we can. – and then do respond.
Also, and of great importance, there needs to be a phone number to call. I realize that there will be hundreds of phone calls per day. There has to be staff hired? right?????? It would be better to have a phone number with a busy signal on the other end than no phone number at all.
She needs an actual campaign office, even if it’s just in Boston for now. She needs a campaign home in Massachusetts.
The virtual thing is not going to work; I hope that there is a plan in place to change that. Until then, I cannot refer another person to her website, or talk to people about her candidacy. The worst possible thing is to have an interested person ask me a question that I can’t answer, where I also don’t have the means to get an answer. Another bad idea is to refer a person to her website where there is no real opportunity to get specific questions answered.
I signed up on the site to be a volunteer about 10 days ago and even stated that I’m an IT consultant who has campaign experience, so I’ve been really surprised I haven’t at least received something back. I know a few people who also have signed up and have heard nothing.
Is there really no HQ yet though? Do they even plan on having any kind of ground game in the next few weeks?
Not to take emailed offers of info tech help from someone with your handle, Todd.
Unless you want to sign up to volunteer or contribute, I don’t think they’re listening.
I’m sure she is up to her eyeballs in debate prep and she has, afterall, HIRED someone to do this job for her. I am hoping someone will pay attention soon. I missed two opportunities yesterday to suggest her website. My enthusiasm level has dropped by 50%. I have my own questions I want answered. They must do something about this soon.
Her campaign is her responsibility.
My take on it (and this is pure speculation) is that since she’s not a career politician, she is allowing the supposedly experienced people to guide her on this. It’s going to turn out to be a huge mistake. It’s reminding me a little of the Martha Coakley’s campaign, which fizzled to a loss in 2010. E. Warren’s facebook page is touting 50,000+ likes, Scott Brown has 230,000+ likes on his. No saying how many on each is from out-of-state. This is not at all funny.
By god, she doesn’t have her entire campaign ramped up in the several weeks since she left the employ of the federal government and decided to enter the race! zOMG IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD!@!!#!
Keep in mind that there is a debate hard on the heels of her entering this race. I’d rather she start prepping for THAT than appease your short attention span. She’ll need to know how she is going to answer a range of questions that she has not yet had to answer yet…such disparate things like her position charter schools, what to do about global climate change, and details on what she would do about jobs, specifically. Getting her act together on these things NOW is far more important.
…seems like thanking people for wanting to help you would have been an important thing to have prepared. Warren could have declared a couple months later and been okay. Nobody made her announce before she was ready.
It should have been set up and ready to roll the day she announced. We aren’t playing a video game here. This is a real election with real voters, many of whom will shut the door on Elizabeth Warren the first time they are ignored. Please open the door and get the communication going so that 1st time interested people will feel connected and stay connected.
& others are busy calling through the volunteer lists. Whew, a lot of names! You will be getting your call soon. In the meantime, THANK YOU to all of Elizabeth Warren’s enthusiastic volunteers!
This is a very exciting time to be mobilizing voters to say goodbye to Scott Brown! I feel it – do you?
would be an excellent auto-reply!
There are a multitude of reasons to get Elizabeth Warren in! Making it about Scott Brown takes away from every other thing she has to offer as motivation to support her.