According to a reliable independent pollster, Elizabeth Warren has gone from 38% name recognition across Massachusetts to 62% name recognition in just the last three months. But there are still a lot of people who need to learn who she is and why she is running to be our next U.S. Senator.
That’s where this “event” comes in. (RSVP if you can!) We’ve all heard of “money-bombs” on political campaigns – online contributions are coordinated for a single day to make a big impact. Well, on a political campaign on which I worked last year, I coined the term and idea “Facebook status-bomb.” It’s easy, quick, and FREE! Basically, a whole lot of people agree to post a specific Facebook status update around the same time on the same day to have a larger aggregate impact and raise visibility and awareness.
So, I’m encouraging everybody to do the following:
1) This coming Wednesday, September 28 (just two days from today), at some point in the day between 2pm and 7pm, post the following Facebook status update:
Want a real fighter for the middle class as Massachusetts’ next U.S. Senator? Visit Elizabeth Warren’s website at and Like her campaign Facebook page at and follow her Twitter feed at!/elizabethforma — and copy & paste this message as YOUR Facebook status!
2) Invite all your Facebook friends to this event and encourage them to join the Status-Bomb – just go to the event page and click on the “Select Guests to Invite” button in the upper-left-hand corner of the page after you RSVP – and also encourage your friends to invite all of THEIR Facebook friends, too. The more people participating, the bigger the impact! So start inviting!
3) If you haven’t already, be sure to Like her campaign Facebook page and, if you’re on Twitter, follow her Twitter feed.
Thanks for helping to make this grassroots effort a success! Again, it’s easy, quick, and free – and if it helps introduce more Massachusetts residents to Elizabeth Warren, then it’s worth the 30 seconds of time invested! 🙂
(Note: I’m not associated with the Elizabeth Warren campaign in any way. I am just a grassroots supporter – and contributor of $30 so far – excited that she is running and am thinking of unique ways to help out.)
I’m going to do it.
Already lots of good feedback
As we approach the primaries, it becomes more and more difficult to sustain a civil tone among would-be allies here. It does not help discussion or reduce the level of inane passion to have a policy of clicking a thumbs down on everyone who’s candidate you don’t like. I don’t see why long2024 cannot express her legitimate enthusiasm about Prof. Warren and mizjones her legitimate skepticism without some cowardly yahoo silently clicking the thumbs down button.
Revealing who is behind the thumbs up/down ratings has been promised for a while. Any ETA for that?
I suspect one or two people are heavily and arbitrarily downrating.
It might be just one person.
I have a computer I use early evening and a second one on a different internet connection that I use before bed. I’ve found that I can give thumbs up to my 6pm comments from my 11pm computer. If I’m feeling really vain, I can uprate myself from my smart phone, too.
Perhaps someone else has these amazing powers and is not using them for good.
I can uprate a comment without being signed in. Does that mean a non-user can downrate?
I think I’ve done it myself.
I love all questions that ask, “tell me how you feel.”
Although the ratings thing has become bizarre, (example: you down rated to questioning the ratings), the quality of the discussions is good. Less name calling and taunting than some previous campaigns.
Speaking of taunting, I’ll be bringing you some Elizabeth Warren buttons to hand out on Sat. mizjones. jk
I feel committed to a high level of integrity and honest debate, even when the taunting gets silly.
Okay, ahem…
The #1 issue, no crisis facing our country is the economy and everything that it effects and effects the economy.
Elizabeth Warren has been studying these issues for years and literally wrote the book on the squeezing of the middle-class that predicted the crisis we’re currently experiencing. She has been a recognized expert in the field. Over the years she has called on by organizations and media to speak on jobs, healthcare and the economy because of her ability to articulate both problems and solutions, not because she had the better campaign, fundraising or activist support. She has earned that because of the respect she has garnered.
Most important, in a political climate where we were told it was impossible to accomplish anything – Elizabeth Warren did!
Elizabeth Warren is not just a good candidate – she is great!
And I deplore the dumb 4 thumbs-downs.
I like Elizabeth Warren a lot and think she would make a far better senator than Scott Brown. She would be very good, in fact.
I remain a Bob Massie supporter because I believe that he would be an extrordinary senator. Being a senator isn’t about being an expert in one area, it’s about being able to channel the work of experts in multiple areas into effective action. Ms. Warren is an expert in consumer protection and undoubtedly knows something about economics as well. Mr. Massie’s expertise is in ethics and human interaction (as an ordained Episcopal priest) and in business (a PhD in business from Harvard).
I remain in Bob Massie’s camp because the breath of his experience, his ability to be a “leader among leaders” suggests that he will channel not only his own expertise but the expertise of others. His lifetime of activism and its results reflects his ability to do this.
Because she kicks ass for the middle class!