In a practice that has become common for Massachusetts Republicans, Keiko Orrall took money from anti-gay extremist Kristian Mineau of the Massachusetts Family Institute and then lied about misstated [-ed.] his occupation and employer. Orrall’s campaign finance reports list Mineau’s occupation/employer as “Retired, USAF” on a $250 donation dated 9/2/2011.
In reality, Mineau is the President of MFI. Proof that this is a job, not simply a volunteer project taken on out of the goodness (or badness) of Mineau’s heart, can be found in a list of his compensation for lobbying for MFI in 2011. See:
And 2010:
And 2009:
And, in fact, all the way back to 2005:
Additionally, Chanel Prunier gave $500 and had her occupation and her employer is listed as “Self Employed/Consultant. In reality, she is the Executive Director of another anti-gay extremist group, the Coalition for Marriage and Family. See her linkedin page (screencapped belowto avoid further monkey business).
If Mrs. Orrall wants to take money from extremists, she should at least let the public know that’s who she stands with. I just happened to recognize these two names, but there are probably others if anyone wants to take a look at her OCPF reports.
David says
that it’s Mineau and Prunier who reported their occupations that way, and the Orrall campaign is just repeating what they were told. I don’t know that a campaign has an obligation to dig further than that.
That said, this is a good catch, and quite revealing about how toxic Mineau & Co. have become.
long2024 says
She filled out MFI’s questionnaire and links to it on her Facebook page.
The survey:
She’s Facebook friends with Prunier.
And just for good measure, she also endorses Show ID to Vote on her FB page.
gladys-kravitz says
Because I know her personally. Our kids were in daycare together years ago. We’ve been to her house. She’s a nice lady, a mom, goes to church, yada yada. Yes, she’s a conservative republican. She hangs out with Mass Family. That’s what conservative republicans do. But she’s not a Christine O’Donnell, and I find it very hard to believe that there is a vast right wing conspiracy going on there with the money. That’s all.
On the other hand, the Democratic candidate was handpicked and backed by Sen. Mark Pacheco, who, I have heard from a source close to two of the other democratic candidates, used his power to coerce unions into voting for Roger Brunelle in the primary. And by coerce, I also mean telling them to get up and leave if a candidate other than Brunelle was speaking.
I don’t know if any of this is true, because I wasn’t there. But as it happens, I also know the other two democratic candidates, who, aside from also being very nice people, and tremendously involved in their communities, are extremely popular with local voters.
Now normally, I wouldn’t put any stock in hearsay regarding political coercion, but as it happens, I’ve witnessed Marc Pacheco use it before, when he tried to put a stop to a public meeting in Carver of the 17-town casino task force. And then, back in 2007, union folks living in MIddleboro were asked to vote pro-casino at the town meeting, or stay home. I don’t know if Pacheco was behind that effort, but he’s usually behind every union effort in the area, as well as every effort to expand gambling, so, it’s certainly not out of the realm of possibility. And, since we’re just sitting here throwing out conspiracy theories, I thought I’d add it to the list.
Which continues… Democratic candidate Roger Brunelle is also the son of Marsha Brunelle, who was the chairwoman of the Middleboro board of selectmen during the casino chronicles of 2007 – 2009. She was the one who famously gaveled opponents to silence when she didn’t want to hear them, encouraged people to laugh at them, and once left an 83 year old Wampanoag woman standing for over 20 minutes before recognizing her, when all she wanted to do was warn Middleboro about Glenn Marshall’s finances, which the board really should have taken to heart. Brunelle’s dad is a town employee.
For the record, Brunelle’s wife is also a nice lady. My son attended her acting school when he was young.
Democratic candidate Allin Frawley, who lost to Brunelle in the primary was a perpetual and vocal thorn in the side of Chairwoman Marsha Brunelle, forcing her to answer trying questions and maintain all sorts of uncomfortable transparency, which many believe contributed to his being voted onto the Middleboro board of selectmen when she was voted out.
I’m not in Brunell’s Orralls or Frawley’s disctrict, so I won’t be voting for any of them. But Pacheo is my state senator, and frankly I think it’s time he retire to the Old Democrats Home and let someone serve who isn’t controlled by Raynham Dog Track.
But don’t just take it from me. My fellow democrat, old friend and grassroots colleague, Mark Belanger, a guy has proudly stated that he always votes the ticket, is done with Pacheco. I agree. We need a new democrat down here. But Belanger says it best
I agree. I stopped checking the box next to Pacheco’s name years ago.
Coincidentally, and full disclosure, I was also hanging around with Kris Mineau today, as well as members of the Green Rainbow Party, Mass. Social Workers, Mass Council of Churches, and fellow grassroots activists at a State House press conference to speak out against the current gambling bill. No conspiracy there. Just a coalition.
Christopher says
He can certainly ask people to vote a certain way, but those who vote at Town Meeting have every right in the world to vote as they darn well please, thank you very much.