Jefferson: “Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties: 1. Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes. 2. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise depositary of the public interests.”
What party are you in? What party are most liberals in?
Please share widely!
Mark L. Bail says
America 250 years ago was a different place. Democracy was in its infancy, Jefferson could be idealistic, and toss out false dichotomies with credibility.
I don’t fear or distrust the people, dislike power in the hands of the higher classes, but I don’t have a lot of confidence in the people either. Most are honest, but not the most wise depository of the public interests.
I think a lot of Republicans would like to think they identify themselves with the people, but they are really in service to the higher classes, i.e. big business.
We already know Jesus was a liberal. Were he alive today, would Jefferson choose to be a Democrat or a Republican? How about Lincoln?
sue-kennedy says
During a period of rising un-employment and economic recession, tax breaks for the British East India Company, threatened small business. Sam Adams and friends protested by tossing the tea.
1st Dem President Thomas Jefferson wrote:
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
The 1st Republican President wrote
. Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
President Andrew Jackson: 1829-1837
President Franklin Roosevelt: Nov. 21, 1933,
Greed and corruption are not new inventions.
Mark L. Bail says
between today and Jefferson’s time. I also agree that power should be vested in the people, but Jefferson’s diction calling the people the most ‘honest’ and ‘safe’ depository of the public interest.
I live in a small town governed by town meeting and I’ve dealt first-hand with self-appointed representatives of the people, and indeed, they sometimes have represented a majority of the people in town. To create their majority or accumulate power, they have lied outright or misrepresented the truth and tried to circumvent the law to get their way. I can’t romanticize them as Jefferson does. Given the opportunity, they are as ready to deprive other people of their freedoms as the centralized, financial powers.
gold3 says
The Democratic party no longer speaks for liberals.
Christopher says
But I agree with Mark Bail that the dichotomy is out dated. Hamilton favored the financial interests and pursued centralization to help them. Jefferson favored the lower classes and believed they were best protected by minimal government kept as local as possible. Now the GOP favors financial interests and decentralization while Dems tend to be more sympathetic to the masses but believe centralization more efficiently serves them.