This isn’t about being against New Hampshire. It is about being FOR the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
So, I get this in my gmail:
So please join me on November 5th in Windham, New Hampshire — right over the border — as we focus our efforts and our energies on what lies ahead. You can purchase your online tickets here, and together we can support the New Hampshire Democrats as we remind our friends and neighbors just what it is about America that makes us great.Ever forward,
*record scratch*
I have no problem with Deval schlepping North to help them raise a buck or two. But, this narrative of taking Bay Staters and their money North?
Two words – Scott Brown.
As a very proud member of the underground railroad that ran into NH in 2004 & 2007-2008, I have to humbly ask that we stay home this time. Might the MA Senate candidates put a call in to the Gov and help him tweak his narrative?
On one hand, the election is far off. So the time to ask, if you’re Deval being pressured by the White House, is now.
On the other hand, fundraising appeals irk me in general. There are SO many, from SO many groups (not just candidates, but Dem-friendly organizations and endlessly the DNC/DCSS/DCCC), and rarely if ever do they acknowledge what I heard the other day — real income, for most Americans, has declined 7% since … I forget (2000 I think). In short, we have less money, but they raise record sums.
To your point, yes, Scott Brown is the big race. If New Hampshire is a factor in the presidential race (it was in 2000 and 2004), Obama has bigger problems.
Nothing new here. Mass. has been a blue powerhouse for swing states in the past, can chew gum & walk at the same time, indeed the national activism builds organization and energy for Bay State races.
This year could be different I guess but I would be more concerned if this wasn’t happening.
I believe that’s 2009. It’s also important to note that it’s median income that’s declined. The fat cat banksters and Wall Street big whigs are doing as well as ever.
NH is a swing state at both the state and federal levels, and the Governor is a great spokesman for the party. I’m sure once we have a Senate nominee we will get appeals from him about that too. I keep myself on the fundraising lists because the messages sometimes have other info as well, but you can always unsubscribe. (Yes, you really can from political emails; after all they have no incentive to upset you.)
But most people have limited time and money,.
I wonder if the Gov wants to visit New Hampshire. Just saying.
are keeping me tied up, and I assume other local activists across the state as well.
So I’ll pass on this invite.
Our lives are not going to be so happy if either Obama loses or the Republicans take the Senate. If I’m not mistaken, the pro-choice majority in the state legislature is not particularly robust either given the number of “pro-life” Democrats we have.
If we have only just barely enough energy to defeat the handsome but not-so-bright incumbent Senator, then we are in very big trouble.
Losing the Senate is all but inevitable, given how many D seats are up for grabs this year and how few R seats there will be. Brown’s is really the only major R seat that’s very competitive. That could obviously change closer to the election, and probably will, but not to the extent that will make up for the fact that there’s 3x as many D seats on the line in an anti-incumbent years.
If we keep it close, that’s the victory.
On November 5th, we should all be focused on supporting municipal candidates in Massachusetts. New Hampshire will still be there next weekend.
…per Senator Shaheen’s Facebook page the presidential primary is now set for January 10th.
As a New Hampshire Democxrat who just moved to the Commonwealth, I want to thank all those Massachusetts Democrats who came to New Hampshire to campaign in the past. It really made a difference from where I came. I have also tried personally to reciprocate and come down to help out in Massachusetts.
Thank you Governor Deval for speaking at the NH Jefferson Jackson Dinner. We need to make sure NH is in the blue column in November 2012.
Why can’t we re-elect President Obama and defeat Scott Brown together?