Anne Mahoney is a candidate for mayor of Quincy. Incumbent Mayor Tom Koch is losing the debate so he resorts to strong arm tactics.
Yes that is right! The Mayor of Quincy grabs Anne Mahoney in an attempt to silence her.
Anne Mahoney needs your help to defeat Tom Koch!
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Campaign office 15 cottage st 3rd floor Quincy
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Your candidate did a great job. Other than the minor touching, Koch did nothing wrong. Didn’t you see Romney touch Perry last week?
Bowes, if you have never seen anything like this in your life then you need to get out more.
P.S. Quincy City Hall has a long history of scumbags running in and out of it.
Who’s Mahoney related to or associated with. Should we trust her more than Koch?
I was all excited to see Koch put Mahoney in a headlock or something. The actual touch was a bit of a letdown.
She wants to end the “Quincy City Hall has a long history of scumbags running “. You can find out more about her at
He didn’t grab her. He touched her on her arm in a natural way after being verbally demolished for a very long time. I think you’re blowing this way out of proportion.
not creepy a la Bush rubbing Angele Merkel’s shoulders.
Awful tough behind your anonymous user name there, Ruppert. You didn’t post this from your $84,000 a year state job, did you?
A few points
1. I took Friday off from work
2. Why does ruppert know where I live?
3. Why does ruppert know where I work?
4. Is ruppert a Cyber stalker?
5. Should I call the police?
that a lot of people know you in person, and many others by mutual acquaintances. That’s generally a good thing, but it does leave people like us out there for the occasional real-life encroachment and griefers, like Mr. Anon.
I think you could have left your reply at #1 and made yourself look like the real winner there. Letting people metaphorically hang themselves by their own rope is always the best policy. As is frequently said, best not to feed the trolls.
Using fake names to attack people seems kind of childish to me.
As a hard line liberal, I can say with confidence that posts like these are why people hate liberals. This is absolutely nothing. And the headline suggests that the author hasn’t been watching the Republican debates, where this exact same thing happened between Romney and Perry.
Billing any form of physical contact as something akin to assault is turning this into a “boy who cried wolf” scenario. Don’t be overreactive and silly. Be the adult in the room.
Full disclosure. I don’t know anything about Quincy politics. I don’t know any of the candidates. I don’t have any friends who are taking a position in the race. I don’t know the issues in Quincy. Thus, my reaction to what I just saw is likely to match that of a casual voter.
This exchange makes me less likely to vote for Mahoney.
This looked like a long, laundry list, unfocused rant. Compared to the mayor’s hand-on-the-arm when she wouldn’t stop talking, I think Mahoney came off as much less likable.
However, in the middle of all this, Mahoney seemed to be making the case that Koch failed the city when the state committed 80% to a school building project. She thinks Quincy could have gotten the state to pay for the entire project? Is that what she was saying? That seems kind of specious to me, which casts the rest of her complaints in doubt in my mind.
I think we would be best served by avoiding appeals based on this kind of “evidence.” If there is a good reason, based on the issues, that BMG readers should jump into a local race in someone else’s city, I am willing to listen. However, I don’t know why this post came to be elevated by the editors. “I have never seen anything like this in my life?” Humbug. Watching this video, looking for shocking behavior, was nothing more than a waste of my time.