There will be a public forum on the national budget:
Taking on the DC Budget Debate
It will be held at Arlington Town Hall, 730 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington, Massachusetts on Tuesday Nov. 8, 2011 from 7:00-9:00PM.
The Federal Budget and the required reduction of the federal deficit could have major consequences for Arlington. We have an opportunity to learn more about this process and how we can bring Federal dollars back to our community.
The speaker’s for the program will be Clarissa Rowe(Chair, Arlington Board of Selectmen), Jay Kaufman,( MA State Representative) and Mike Prokosch,(National Coordinator of New Priorities Network). Music will be provided by Arlington resident, Chris Nauman. The program will be moderated by Annie LaCourt, Arlington Board of Selectman. Presentations will be followed by open discussion and action steps.
For more about the speakers
Both Jay Kaufman and Mike Prokosch are experts in revenue, revenue reform, and the risks – and potential for change of the current budget crisis in Washington, D.C. Mike Prokosch has done extensive work regarding the impact of tax policies of the last two decades, and how these have impacted the economy, and what potentially could be done to remedy the negative impacts of those policies on all of us, but most especially those now graduating college and entering the labor market.