The MassGOP Establishment:
Hypocrisy at its worse !
Chai Ling, on right, wife of MASSGOP Chairman candidate Bob Maginn on left. She added her support to the Occupy Boston on October 12, 2011.
U.S. Senator Scott Brown and the Massachusetts Republican Establishment have heavily criticized Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic Favorite to challenge Brown for his Senate seat in 2012, for attributing her comments about being the one who founded the intellectual movement behind the occupy wall street movement which is growing across the planet as we speak as a result of the greed of the top 1% of the world controlling the majority of the world economy compared to the proletarian 99% who are fighting for their equal rights.
Recently, both the Massachusetts Republican Party and a national special interest group led by Karl Rove, only within the last 3 days have spent nearly $600,000 in the Boston, Worcester, Springfield, and Providence TV regions criticizing Warren for taking responsibility of the populist Occupy movement.
This same group of Massachusetts Republicans is supporting Bob Maginn, failed 1998 State Treasurer candidate who was annihilated by Shannon O’Brian- failing to keep Joe Malone’s treasurer’s seat in the hands of the Massachusetts Republicans.
In 1998, Maginn who at the time had $12 million in assets, pledged to use his personal resources to keep the seat. By the election, Maginn was heavily criticized because he used little. Maginn’s defeat was embarrassing. Today Maginn is poised to be elected by the Massachusetts GOP establishment to become Chairman of the MassGOP.
This is the same Bob Maginn whose wife Chai Ling, was the Commander in Chief of the student revolution in 1989 China in Tiananmen Square. While the fact Chai Ling stood up for the Chinese is admirable, however Bob Maginn’s wife is the same Chai Ling who at the Occupy Boston on October 11, 2011 declared to the Occupiers that she would train them and help them as a leader.
This is the same Chai Ling who said about the Occupy Wall Street Movement in her October 12, 2011 speech to the crowd at Dewey Square:
“They [the protesters] shouldn’t be underestimated,’’ said Chai Ling, an author and founder of a Boston education software company. She should know. As a leader of the 1989 student-led protest in China’s Tiananmen Square, she was responsible for providing tens of thousands of demonstrators with tents, food, water, and sanitation. On this night in Dewey Square, she was advising protesters on strategies for expanding their encampment and warning of the consequences when a nation’s young people lose hope for a better society.
“I feel their desire,’’ said Ling. “If it’s channeled properly, they can change America.’’
The point is how can both Massachusetts Republican Leaders like U.S. Senator Scott Brown criticize and ridicule Elizabeth Warren for her comments that she created the “intellectual movement behind Occupy Wall Street” yet, Brown’s candidate for Massachusetts Republican Party Chairman, Bob Maginn’s wife is endorsing, embracing, and stepping in as a leader for the Occupy Wall Street Movement in Dewey Square here in Boston?
Will this fact that Maginn’s wife is an arduant supporter of Occupy Boston knock Maginn out of the race for chairman of the Massachusetts Republicans?
The election for the next Chairman of the Massachusetts Republican Party will be held on Wednesday, November 30th at 7:00PM at the Marriott in Newton.
Here is some additional information about Bob Maginn:
Endorsements for Maginn by MASSGOP Elected Officials
US Senator Scott Brown
Former Governor Paul Cellucci
Former Congressman Peter Blute
Former Congressman & State Party Chairman Peter Torkildsen
National Committeeman Ron Kaufman
National Committeewoman Jody Dow
Former Gubernatorial Nominee Charlie Baker
Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey
Bristol County Sheriff Tom Hodgson
Barnstable County Sheriff James Cummings
Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis
Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr
House Minority Leader Brad Jones
Former State Representative & GOP Nominee for State Treasurer Karyn Polito
Former GOP Nominee for Congress Jon Golnik
Former GOP Nominee for Attorney General Jim McKenna
Former State Committee member Greg Casey
State Representative George Peterson
State Representative Elizabeth Poirier
State Representative Vinny deMacedo
State Representative Jay Barrows
State Representative Brad Hill
State Representative Rich Bastien
State Representative Angelo D’Emilia
State Representative Kim Ferguson
State Representative Paul Frost
State Representative Sheila Harrington
State Representative Steven Howitt
State Representative George Ross
State Representative David Vieira
State Representative Donald Wong
LETTER OF MASSGOP Legislative Caucus in Support of Maginn for MASSGOP Chair with signatures.
“Bob serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer at Jenzabar. As Chairman and CEO, he led Jenzabar’s transformation from a dotcom start-up to an industry-leading enterprise solution provider.”
Scott Brown is a hypocrit and so is Bob Maginn!
They will never see it here. Comments will be interesting.
Last time I checked it is the 21st century and wives are allowed to have political opinions that differ from those of their husbands.
Husbands and wives are not the same people, and don’t have to have the same political views.
I don’t understand why this is even mentioned… who cares. Did Bill and Hillary agree on every issue?
You aren’t getting the reaction you hoped for on RMG under your new phony account name, aren’t you?
So I find the whole idea that having a smart independent wife who supports a return to democracy being a bad thing or somehow making someone a hypocrite as totally bogus. As to whether Magin actually supports Occupy and democracy and and end to banks-as-vampires, I have not a clue. Funny enough, today’s movie villains are likely to be {drum roll} financiers and bakers and members of the one percent – not Mafia made men. Hint – it isn’t the mafia that is foreclosing, or swindling billions from the government – the Mafia “take” is peanuts compared to the Wall Street Banksters.
Now there’s a THIRD identity posting!
As you can see, ‘Mercy Otis’ hasn’t posted on Cape Cod Today for over a year, until Mrs. Maginn inflamed him/her/it/undecided.
Listen, schmuck – Amber posts on RMG, just like I post here, but we don’t create separate identities to do so.
What interests ME about this is that Mercy Otis is a fairly established progressive poster on Cape Cod Today. Mercy was a relentless Perry trasher, pushing Malone. Now, Mercy feels a need to deep-six Maginn’s candidacy just before the Nov. 30 election and tomorrow’s debate.
So – is Maginn the candidate that the Democrats are AFRAID of?
Besides, I get hired to represent people for courage – not for being a “yes woman” and I don’t represent everyone who wants to hire me, either – I do “due diligence” first – with 50,000+ attorneys admitted to practice, after all, if a client won’t sign a statement that they will tell me the truth, I won’t represent them (whole other story), that.
Mercy pushed Malone over Perry? You sure that it’s a Dem and not a Republican?