Well it was only a matter of time before this happened. The Rose Kennedy Greenway has decided that they have had enough and passive recreation has been prevented long enough. They are formally asking the city to remove Occupy Boston. In fairness, this has yet to be confirmed, but it seems legit.
Among the complaints that the Greenway allegedly has are the cancellation of some events (who made you cancel them), drug use (not going to defend that, but let’s lay odds drugs have been done on the Greenway for years late at night) and the risk of rats due to food which they cannot confirm, but call inevitable (Newsflash, there are rats everything, esp in the Red Line Tunnel below the park). In any case they want the protesters out and unlike the City, they have the actual authority to give them the boot (City cannot deem what is trespassing, only owner can).
I’d like to note that after living in Boston for Five Years, I never saw that many people “passively” enjoying the Dewey Square area. Further up by the fountains? Definitely. But near South Station? Not so much. Maybe I’ve never seen it. But I digress.
While I would not doubt that King Menino thinks himself above the law and would gladly spit in the face of a judge, it is unlikely that the city will remove them before the December court date the ACLU & Lawyers Guild have secured for protesters. The judge also called for negotiations, but I do not know how that will pan out. Still, the Greenway’s position complicates everything.
Let’s face it. Eviction is inevitable, barring a Court Ruling that tells the Greenway to go pound sand. In that case, however, Occupy Boston needs to prepare and consider some important things.
1. Protect the Library! If an eviction comes and you know its coming secure the library or move it before hand. Alternatively, find accommodation with the Greenway at least on that point. They don’t want a campground, but they may not care about a free library. You never know. Either way, don’t let the city throw it all away like they did with all October Raid property or mishandle it like in New York.
2. I do not know if the situation with the Greenway is the same as Zuccotti Park from a legal perspective. Remember it is technically state-owned land that the Greenway administers. Essentially, the Greenway and not the State control it. However, it seems reasonable that even if Menino were to say, however improbably, “I am the 99%” and do nothing, the Greenway could pursue a court order just as easily, assuming the Occupy Injunction Expires. The lesson, if you lose in court, the game changes from one of the mayor’s caprice to a legal judgment against you. Since Occupy has gone to the trouble of seeking a court order, they should respect the decision if they do not win. See Item 3
3. Don’t stop! Clearly OWS was not daunted by the clearing of Zuccotti Park. I mean have you seen those marching photos? The same should be true of Occupy Boston. If evicted or forced to leave, keep occupying Dewey Square, but within the designated hours. Do flash mobs, marches, whatever. The Greenway cannot complain about a loss of passive recreation if the rules are otherwise followed.
4. Keep the GA’s going. Keep the working groups going. Keep it going! Remain active and while you’re at it continue to minister to the poor and homeless who are at the bottom of the 99%.
5. Whatever happens, keep your promise to the Greenway to resod or whatever Dewey Square.
Occupy has been a success because people are talking about wealth inequality and economic justice. While some may decry Democrats’ failure to fully align with the movement, this has been a good thing. First of all, your allies in Congress don’t benefit from being linked to false or misleading stories in the media. They do better when, and if, their support is not broadcast, but translates into action. Not to mention, there are plenty of devils in the Democratic party, some perhaps willing to seek absolution. Would being co-opted by the Democratic party really do Occupy any favors? Not under those conditions.
I do not know if it is true, but NPR said on the day Zuccotti was cleared that protesters were more upbeat than downtrodden by the eviction. It had energized them, but it also liberated them. Today’s demonstrations are a good sign of that. Occupy Boston needs to be prepared for that, too, but more important than how or when the Dewey Square encampment ends, is what they do afterward!
There is a strong possibility that this letter, which has been extensively “leaked” to right wing media (WRKO, Howie Carr etc.), is a forgery circulated to bolster a smear campaign against the Occupy encampment. For one thing, the Conservancy has had plenty of engagement with organizers and volunteers on the ground, and knows that the allegations in the letter are simply false: the camp is tidy, safe and extremely well organized, there is no odor problem, the food handling issues are minor, the farmers market seems completely unencumbered as far as I can tell (I was there this afternoon), foot and vehicle traffic moves freely and securely.
I have a friend whose job requires frequent interaction with the Conservancy officers and staff who writes as follows: “It seems like a fake to me. It’s inconsistent with the statement issued by the Greenway last month, it’s from the Chair, not the E.D., and it addresses the mayor “Dear Mr. Mayor”, which is not the way he’s addressed. It also attacks some things (“odor” for example, that even if it was true, wouldn’t be put in a letter like this).”
Caveat lector.
I agree with the general thrust of your post.
I have asked the Conservancy for comment on the authenticity of the letter. Will update if I hear anything.
I worked in the Financial District for a time — actually, I worked in the Federal Reserve Building which is directly across Atlantic Ave from Dewey Square — and I only ever saw one sort of event in Dewey Square, which was a farmer’s market.
And based on this Yelp review that farmer’s market has not been cancelled due to Occupy. (I no longer work in the area so I cannot verify this personally.) So I really have no idea what events they might be referring to (assuming the complaint to be legit, as others have questioned).
Look into the dealings of Georgia Murray and her “developer” “husband”.