Social Security is a Trust Fund that is funded by workers and their employers and held in trust to pay for our national retirement, disability and life insurance program – is separate from the budget and does not add to the deficit.
The downturn in the economy has left many Massachusetts families struggling to get by month to month, 1/4 of all households live on Social Security income and 1/3 receive health care partially funded by the government. While the wealthiest have enjoyed tax cuts and bailouts, those struggling to pay their bills are being asked to give more. Those who have lost their jobs and their homes have already given their fair share, they shouldn’t be asked to give up their health care and retirement also. It’s time for those prospering at a time when so many are suffering to give a little.
Who is Senator Kerry going to stand with? Recent stories suggest Kerry is moving towards a deal that would cut Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare.
Please call Senator Kerry, (202) 224-2742 and tell him to protect the most vulnerable, protect Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare from cuts, and ask wealthy individuals and corporations to pay their fair share.
Please share widely!
In Washington DC: 202- 224 8525 FAX
District office:
Phone: 617 565 8519, District fax: 617 248 3870
Very poor phone response in DC, though. Answered “Will you hold” said “NO” put on hold anyway, hung up after 5 minutes. Twice. so as I said, I sent a fax.
Because he does not intend to run for re-election when he is Secretary of State in the next Obama administration. His loyalty will be rewarded.
First, I can’t see how it is contributing to any deficit. Isn’t it both paid for and disbursed separately from the general budget?
Also, if SS is itself running a deficit then why is the obvious answer not to get rid of the income cap on which SS is paid?
is running a surplus.
What will happen, is taking our Social Security Ins. payments and use them to pay for tax breaks for the wealthy.
Folks who paid in for decades won’t get what they paid for.
That is dishonorable, it is breaking our collective word.
There are no pensions at all for the vast majority of people. Easy for congressman and millionaires to forget, isn’t it?
…and very few people have remarked on it. The only reason to cut back on Social Security payments is to use Social Security taxes to “balance the budget”; i.e., as you say, to subsidize tax breaks for the extremely wealthy and for mega-corporations. I think this would be a good thing for us to talk about, and talk about again, and keep talking about.