“If we can show they have the same cynical motivation as a political opponent, it will undermine their credibility in a profound way.”
While conservative media and politicians disparage Occupy as a bunch of smelly kids who need to take a shower and get a job, the banking industry is preparing a media/smear campaign against the protests. It’s hard to tell how much of Clark, Lytle, Geduldig & Cranford (CLGC) is playing to a potential customer and revealing its view of the movement, but there’s some serious embarrassment in this memo. This excerpt is from an article from the International Business Tribune (I couldn’t copy and past the actual memo):
The CLGC memo outlines a 60-day plan to conduct surveys and research on OWS and its supporters, so that Wall Street companies could then conduct a smear campaign against the Occupy movement in the media.
Wall Street companies “likely will not be the best spokespeople for their own cause,” according to the memo. In order to get around this difficulty, outside parties must be convinced to stand up for them, to the detriment of Occupy Wall Street demonstrators.
“A big challenge is to demonstrate that these companies still have political strength,” the memo read, “and that making them a political target will carry a severe political cost.”
A second part of the plan outlined by the Washington lobbyists however, deals with upcoming elections, and how to manipulate the Occupy protests’ effect on them.
CLGC proposed “statewide surveys” in at least eight states, targeting Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin, Ohio, New Mexico and Nevada, as well as examining the gubernatorial race in North Carolina. These states “are shaping up to be the most important of the 2012 cycle.”
Using that information, the lobbyists would then look into who has contributed financially to OWS, as well as what politicians appear sympathetic to Occupy’s cause.
“It will be vital,” the memo says, “to understand who is funding it [the Occupy protests] and what their backgrounds and motives are.”
“If we can show that they have the same cynical motivation as a political opponent,” the memo, now rather ironically, ends, “it will undermine their credibility in a profound way.”
The memo also says however, that the greatest blow to the ABA and its associates would not be that Democrats score big victories in 2012, but that their doing so, and the growth of OWS, causes Republicans to stop supporting Big Business in order to win more votes.
“The bigger concern” for the American Bank Association, the memo read, “should be that Republicans will no longer defend Wall Street companies.”
My favorite line: the bigger concern is that the Republicans will no longer defend Wall Street–and might start running against them too. It doesn’t say it all, but it says a hell of a lot.
Can this stop Occupy?
Christopher says
…addressing some of the concerns raised by the Occupiers.
Just a thought.
SomervilleTom says
I think this is fabulous news. It shows that at least some well-heeled and powerful Republicans are privately scared to death of the Occupy Movement and its implications, regardless of their public posture.
The original memo notes that Occupy Everything movement portends grave and long-term political threats to the financial industry. It also notes the risk that the Occupy Everything and Tea Party movements may coalesce around specific and political populist opposition to the very wealthy.
All of this is excellent news.
joeltpatterson says
… at least the honest brokers on Wall Street. When crooked financial operators like Magnetar and MF Global and Goldman Sachs create crooked schemes, they draw in money from investors AND draw money away from the honest investment possibilities on Wall Street. There are honest people on Wall Street who could take investments and grow them (and grow jobs as a consequence) but they get hurt when the crooks siphon off the money.
We need tougher cops on the beat with stricter rules, and the economy will benefit from that because it will restore trust in the market.
But when Senators like Scott Brown water down regulations, they push back the day when the economy can grow again.
Trickle up says
We should be very very fortunate were this the official response. It is singularly inept. The Soros thing is comic.
The Empire however knows how to strike back, with provocateur violence to discredit the movement divided by talk from useful idiots of “diversity of tactics” and the like.
Not saying this will work either, just that it’s the credible threat.
More likely we are just seeing some enterprising toadies trying to line their pockets with bank fear of OWS. As such, a sign that the movement is on to something. Go ahead, boys, spend your dough.