Ain’t that a… well, you know. It was a dark and stormy Saturday night and I had JUST put the kids to bed and the wife was reading. I sat down to some soulful Ray Charles, a Guinness and some good ole fashion wholesale slaughter of Nazis (Call of Duty, on the Wii). It’s how I relax. I’ve got some sallow Obergruppenfuhrer in my sights and… bweep… no music, no games, no lights. Pretty soon the Guinness is gone too. The re-assuring hum of background radiation and constant electromagnetic interference is gone leaving only a poignant silence and an even more poignant stillness, very quickly followed by boredom.
The boys stumble out of their bedroom as the last of the heat slips away. So we pile blankets on the king sized bed and huddle for warmth… or at least my two boys (the 6’3″ fourteen year old and the 5’9″ twelve-year-old) and my wife (6’1″) do. There’s no room for me. Pretty soon contented snores are all that are left to keep uncontented dad company… “That’s alright”, I says, “I can deal with one night in a sleeping bag on the (too short) couch.” One night turns into two. No halloween, which is just as well, as I was merely going to recycle my “constitutional originalist” costume (that’s where I dress up as 3/5ths of Clarence Thomas). Meals are fast food and quickly congealing. The refrigerator begins to hold a real terror for the whole family. I didn’t shower for days, bringing college flashbacks, well, flashing back. Two nights turns into three. Schlepping to a friends for a hot meal and a remembrance of heat by the fireplace. Son #1 turns to “books”, an antiquated form of knowledge acquisition for solace, but very quickly gives up when he can’t find the button to turn the page, nor the interface to program such a button.
But the worst part was going without BMG…
At about hour 80, I really started to really feel the withdrawal symptoms; The crawling skin; The ever tightening knot in the stomach; The incessant looping thoughts, like “Has EBIII post his 700th yet…?” or “If you hypnotized Joe Leiberman into thinking he was Newt Gingrich, would you be more likely to get JohnD or Peter Porcupine?” These are the questions that arise with the great yawning abyss staring up at you…
But that’s all behind us. Power is back and thus, so am I. I noticed that you all soldiered on, quite bravely, without me. Well done. I think it was wise to not so much as make note of my absence in order that grief and woe be kept to a minimum. (Note to EBIII, this is how you do attention-whoring…)
Now, about what I missed. Having extended my withdrawal by some several hours in order that my wife and my children might ‘facebook’ their newfound appreciation for all things electrical, I finally got my BMG fix. Some thoughts:
charley-on-the-mta writes a trenchant commentary on a GOP flop sweat tsunami. My first thought was “Eew. Thanks, Charley, for that overly graphic image of a tsunami of flop sweat,” until I actually clicked the link and viewed that truly creepy performance by Rick Perry and realized Charley had made an understatement. Sweet mother of Abraham Lincoln! This man is a governor!!! of a state larger than many countries!?!?! Can cognitive dissonance preen? I think it just did. All over the bed. I think even Ben Stiller would cringe upon seeing that video… It was SO BAD I actually felt a moment of pity for the man.
As for George Will on Mitt Romney (eew eew eww need to purell my brain now…) also referenced in that post, well, what’s to be said when Will writes this: “… Has conservatism come so far, surmounting so many obstacles, to settle, at a moment of economic crisis, for this? Has conservatism surmounted any obstacles? Shame. Shame is the one obstacle the Republicans and the conservatives have surmounted and the inexorable, unavoidable, result of that is Mitt Romney.
Let’s see, what else: Ah, David writes about Herman Cain high tech lynchin legal issues…. asking if this will hurt his campaign? Of the seven people who take the Republicans seriously (three of whom live in Glenn Becks head) Hermain Cain is the vote of those too bigoted to vote for a Mormon. Wait… what? Yeah, I know I just wrote that sentence and that it makes no sense, but there it is. But to answer the question, no, it won’t make any difference.
More BMG: scrolling, scrolling… too soon…,(shudder) mkay?
Scott Brown is still playing the victim. Have we ever had a pol, in Massachusetts, so beset by self pity? I’m beginning to get the sense that Scott Brown relaxes in the foetal position. Maybe he’s studying up for a post-senatorial career on Wall Street?
Bob_Neer writes about possible demands for Occupy Wall Street,to which I reply the only demand they need make is to read, aloud, the preamble to the constitution, point out how distant we are from that ideal and ask why, after 200+ years we’ve moved in the opposite direction. The preamble, no less than the rest of the document, has the binding force of both law and moral courage. So the demands are thus:
- a more perfect Union,
- establish Justice,
- insure domestic Tranquility,
- provide for the common defence,
- promote the general Welfare,
- and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity
The more concrete suggestions that Bob_Neer (and others) make in the post will follow from the above…
There’s more, but my fix is kicking in now… surrounded by the comforting hum of electromagnetism, staring at this device shooting BMG flavored electrons at my head, only the lack of Guinness to lament, I’m beginning to mellow as the earth returns to it’s rightful axis, the stars back to their rightful alignment and order is restored to the cosmos.
kate says
It is amzing how different life is without power. I couldn’t even survive 24 hours. When we lost power during Hurricane Irene, I had an appointment in Boston that Monday. Sunday night I was gone, off to Mom’s. There was light and heat and most of all the internet. She has WiFi and didn’t even know it. I kind of suspected given that my sister had recently upgraded her to a package system for cable, phone and internet. So my brother and I spent a few minutes and figured out the network access key and we were online. My brother had been “reading a printed book” before my arrival. He was glad to have internet access but commented how it changed things and noe he couldn’t peacefully read the way he had been.