Last week, we received Scott Brown’s fundraising letter in the mail. It was addressed to my wife, which is odd because neither of us have ever given a penny to a Republican candidate nor have ever shown any inclination to do so. But I’m glad we got it as it is instructive as to how he’ll be framing his campaign. And it provided a few chuckles.
It starts out with a date of “Monday Morning”. I guess if you are a normal, Joe Lunchpail, truck-driving guy, you don’t put real dates on your letters. Regarding that truck, that is the first big, bold, italicized quote that appears:
I’m Scott Brown. I’m from Wrentham. I drive a truck. And I’m nobody’s Senator but yours.
However, the truck apparently isn’t going to be the core message this time. He’s positioning himself as the maverick (yes, he uses that word) guy who has done things unheard of in Washington:
I am nobody’s lackey
(um, what about Mitch McConnell?)
and the opposition that is lined up against him are nasty, unscrupulous bunch.
From the instant my right hand came down after taking the oath of office, I have been attacked, demonized, and vilified. The attacks have come from shadowy shell groups who cherry-pick votes, deliberately take things out of context and instinctively engage in scare tactics and class warfare.
It’s hogwash. It’s baloney. And there’s a lot more of it to come.
I wasn’t expecting a pat on the back from our rivals, but I was hoping I wouldn’t get stabbed in the back either.
So it looks like the story line is: These nasty liberal groups (and he sadly points out that the League of Women Voters have also attacked him) are unfairly attacking him and have made him the underdog in the race and we all need to back him because, well he doesn’t say much about specifics or votes or anything as to why we should back him. I guess that would be cherry picking. The letter just contains the usual drivel against the Washington establishment, ObamaCare, business regulation, etc. But he’s different. Really. We’ve never seen the likes of his type in Washington before. OK.
Regarding his potential opponent:
The Washington insiders have anointed Harvard Professor Elizabeth Warren as my Democrat opponent and the liberals and special interests are eager to do her dirty work.
That’s you. When you sign up to volunteer, make sure you check the box next to “Dirty Work”.
So there you have it. I hope we stay on Senator Brown’s mailing list so I can share further letters with you.
A curious use of metaphor. Can you really be “stabbed in the back,” metaphorically speaking, by someone you classify as a “rival”? Normally it’s a turncoat ally who is classified as a back-stabber.
Maybe it’s a Freudian slip regarding the tea party folks.
Our Senator is a world-class self-pityer.
Some schmo was apparently thinking to themselves “What’s the opposite of a pat on the back?” Ah, yes, “stabbed in the back.”
But a known “rival” certainly can’t stab you in the back. Unless he’s trying to say that he was so naive that he had trust in known “rivals.” By definition, you can only be “stabbed in the back” by someone whom you previously trusted.
They meant and should have just gone with something like, “I wasn’t expecting our rivals to support us but I was hoping that their attacks wouldn’t be so vicious either.”
… of asserting GOP victimhood. The lizard-brain demands it.
he’s really reaching for the lunch pail lingo, isn’t he? that’s what i want in a senator, a well-off career politician and lawyer who plays make-believe blue collar. because i love being condescended to. he’s like those guys i saw at the rapid city airport who traded in their suits for pristine leathers and had their mint condition harleys trucked to sturgis for them.
might help Brown reach out to a whole new demographic;)
I know a lot of truck drivers. Truck drivers are my friends, and let me tell you, Senator, you are no truck driver.
“From the instant my right came down after taking the oath of office…”
I’m guessing he means right hand?
And I think he has being attacked before taking the oath, wasn’t he?
I need to hire better help. đŸ™‚
I have corrected the text in the post. Thanks!
Sort of like a boxing reference. His right.
He verifies that he drives a truck? That’s hilarious. I’m very glad he put that in there because in my arguments with Brown supporters I usually end the conversation explaining that they voted for nothing more than a barn coat and a pickup truck. So stating that he drives a truck in this mailing sort of validates my statement. That’s great!
30 year career Washington lobbyist and sometime Hollywood actor Fred Thompson was able to propel “Vote for me I drive a truck” to not one, but two undistinguished terms in the Senate and an undistinguished presidential campaign to round out an undistinguished acting and lobbying career. That said its important to note the first election for both Brown and Thompson was a special election against lackluster organization appointed Democrats, and the truck (rented in Thompson’s case, give Brownie credit for owning the damn thing) was a way to set them apart from their rivals. Luckily for us, Warren is the real deal and will ensure Brown will not continue to have an undistinguished Senate career or god forbid a presidential campaign or acting gig. Confining him to an undistinguished lobbying career is a fate I can live with.