I have copied below Sheila Decter’s alert from JALSA, since it says everything very neatly
Dear Judy,
For several years, JALSA has worked with the Massachusetts Transgender Political Caucus and groups throughout the state to encourage “gender identity” to be added to the protections of 151 B, our anti-discrimination statute in Massachusetts. Among a broad array of supportive measures, JALSA has facilitated the participation of expert witnesses at these hearings. it has seemed evident that the vast majority of the legislature has been prepared to add basic civil rights protections on the basis of gender identify if the Judiciary Committee would just allow the bill to proceed to the Floor. Today, at last, that debate will take place.
Lawmakers are expected to vote on the Transgender Equal Rights bill TODAY .
Please take a moment NOW to contact your state lawmakers to ask for their support of this bill.
Your request for support from state lawmakers is vital.
Opponents of the bill have been swamping the inboxes of lawmakers. Lawmakers need to know that the public and their constituents support this bill!
Over the next 8 hours, it is critical that lawmakers hear from bill supporters!
Phonebanking will be taking place all day today. The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition has asked for volunteers. During phone banks, volunteers will be asked to talk to constituents and transfer supporters of the bill directly to their lawmakers’ voicemail boxes so they can leave messages in support of the bill. Call Justin at 617.878.2344 to sign up or send him an email!
In the days ahead, you may hear confusing things about this bill. To be clear, this bill provides vital protections in employment, education, housing, credit, and hate crimes which transgender residents of the Commonwealth desperately need. The bill is not perfect as it does not include public accommodations protections, but it is a solid civil rights bill that represents an historic step forward in supporting full civil rights protections for the transgender community.
Please contact lawmakers today and ask them to vote in favor of this bill.
The following suggestions come from the MTPC:
What to say when you call:
“Hello, my name is______, and I am a constituent of Representative/Senator______. I’m calling because I want him/her to vote in support of H 502/S764 “An Act Relative to Transgender Equal Rights” and ask leadership to bring this up for a vote before the end of the year. I’d like to hear from my legislator about their stance on the bill and if they are going to speak with leadership. When should I expect to hear back from you?”
How to email
To find your legislator’s name and email address go to
Draft email:
Hello, my name is______, and I am a constituent of yours and I live at _______(address, city). I’m writing because I want you to support H 502/S764 “An Act Relative to Transgender Equal Rights” I’d like to hear from you about your stance on this bill and if you are going vote in support of this important legislation.
Thank you
Your Name, City
and forward this email to everyone you know
Note: (Please use the forward at the bottom of this email –rather than the one in your email program — so that the person you forward this to does not inadvertently unsubscribe you from JALSA’s email.)
Use Subject Line: Lawmakers Advance Trans Rights Bill
Thank you,
Sheila Decter, Executive Director
Jewish Alliance for Law & Social Action
Laurel says
is here: http://masslegislature.tv/?l=hse_video
They’re takign a series of procedural votes right now. Reportedly the opposition has posted 33 hostile amendments
judy-meredith says
from the SHNS
Christopher says
This bill has passed the House 95-58.
chrismatth says
Name calling, of course!
Kevin L says
Yet more proof that the “Tea Party” is just the Ultra Right Religious Base of the GOP under a new name.
judy-meredith says
Good work by Gene! On to the Senate
Christopher says
…the Senate has now also passed this bill.