“Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” — Joseph Stalin
Hey Republicans–
Given that the Iowa Republican Party is going to assemble the caucus “results” in a dark, secret location, are you worried yet? I mean, I know that elections are sacrosanct to you, to the point of violating federal law in your New Bedford appearance of late just because one person might cast an illegal vote. Given that manipulated counts provides opportunity for one fraudulent datum, but literally thousands, you must be real upset, right?
So, all our local conservatives, how outraged are you that Republican votes are going to be tallied up by a group of insiders in a method that recalls nothing as much as sub-Saharan “elections” where the powers that be inevitably triumphed? Who have you written? How have you complained?
Or are all of you just full of it?
PS: I understand your rationale is fear of a couple big-talking protestors. If you can’t defend the integrity of an election from some Iowa Occupiers, how can you defend this country from our foreign rivals?
…I’m surprised this lack of transperancy is legal. On the other hand caucusing is a very public process, so it seems that everyone would know at least their own precinct’s results. Plus, doesn’t this continue up the ladder of jurisdictions anyway? As I understand it once a precinct caucuses they then elect delegates in proportion to candidate support to the county convention where the process is repeated. Delegates are then elected in proportion to congressional district convention and there the same process is repeated for state convention which in turn elects delegates to the national convention. Therefore, we can have some idea of how candidates did that night, but the official process has several steps.
What usually happens is by the time the county convention happens, everyone throws in for the eventual nominee. Obama’s campaign talked many 2008 Edwards delegates to switching at the level while the Obama v Clinton battle was at the height.
I’ll believe the IA GOP before I believe the Bachmann campaign. It’s their party, and they can be as contemptuous of democracy as they like. I’m just genuinely surprised at how comfortable Republicans are with this stunt. If Romney beats Paul by 1 point overall, this is where that point is coming from.