East Sides Magistrate Court House was vacant, so Occupy made arrangements, and will be the steward caring for the building. The group reportedly is largely composed of veterans and active duty service people. Their focus will be holding trials of the bankers who tanked the economy, the civil servants who slashed the social compact and basic services rather than hold bankers accountable, and also hold trial of those who are selling government and engaging in unjust wars for profit.
For more photos and detailed coverage see this story.
To hear more from those involved, including that solicitors will conduct these trials, the accused will be “invited to attend” and squatters rights claimed.
After all, something is very wrong when bankers break laws, impoverish the nation, and are still getting billions in bonuses, apparently $162 billion this year alone. At the same time, those who exercise their civil liberties like free speech and assembly get arrested, and receive longer probation than many drug dealers. Good for Martha Coakley for filing suit against the banks who have stolen, according to Register O’Brien $250,000,000 from his county alone through fraudulent actions – but Occupy London has the right idea. Hold trials against those who have broken and bent laws, and engaged in class warfare with impunity – a criminal element within the so-called “1%”.