By email please send the full transcript of the last public meeting of Boston City Council stored in the computer file on the Diamante Stenograph machine in the Council Chamber.
Hearing loss.
a. More accessible for folks with hearing loss.
Read vs. video
b. Easier to read through than watching video.
c. Searchable.
d. More complete than minutes.
e. Budgeted for with public funds.
Council Communications
f. It’s to Councilors’ advantage to let all know their words.
Feedback, questions.
g. A better opportunity to submit feedback, comment, questions, suggestions, ideas in context to Councilors’ words.
Improved Council Communications.
h. Improves Council Communications.
Removal from City Hall.
i. The computer file shouldn’t be removed from City Hall according to guidelines of the Records Management Unit
Lack of response.
j. No response at all to the previous request that’s over 10 days and under 90 days old.