Yes, you read that right: Scott Brown is raising your taxes. In fact, you may pay $1,000 or more in taxes next year because of Brown – if you’re not a millionaire or corporate CEO, of course.
Here’s the deal. Last night, Senator Brown voted to end the payroll tax cut for middle class and low-income workers. This isn’t a new proposal we’re talking about – it’s the same tax cut that’s been on the books since 2010, designed to put more money in the pockets of average people to help boost the economy. Scott Brown’s usually a big fan of tax cuts, but he doesn’t like this tax cut because it’s paid for by a tiny surtax on millionaires and billionaires. And so, because of Brown’s vote, our taxes will automatically increase on New Years Day.
Sadly, it’s no longer a surprise that the self-proclaimed “man of the people” is throwing the middle class under the bus to protect the ultra rich. Time and again, Scott Brown has voted to block legislation that would create jobs and help families that are struggling in this economy – all in the interest of protecting tax breaks for the wealthiest 1%.
Brown continues to argue that his votes to protect billionaires and big oil companies are in the name of job creation. But as venture capitalist and billionaire Nick Hanauer argued in Bloomberg News this week, Brown’s argument just doesn’t make sense:
“We’ve had it backward for the last 30 years. Rich businesspeople like me don’t create jobs. Middle-class consumers do, and when they thrive, U.S. businesses grow and profit. That’s why taxing the rich to pay for investments that benefit all is a great deal for both the middle class and the rich.”
In truth, it has nothing to do with jobs. Scott Brown is fighting for the interests of the wealthiest 0.6% of Massachusetts residents, who have an average annual income of more than $2 million. In Brown’s world, their tax breaks are more important than the millions of working families across the country who are struggling to make ends meet – and he’s doing everything he can to keep things that way.
That’s where your new $1,000 tax bill comes in. Brown’s filibuster has all-but-guaranteed a tax increase on millions of middle class and low-income families in the new year, just in time for the holidays!
So let’s do some Scott Brown math: A tax increase on richest 0.6%? Not okay, bro. A tax increase on the remaining 99.4% of us? Sweet!
By those numbers, it looks like we’ll all have a new Brown-sponsored tax hike to toast when the ball drops December 31.