Remember two years ago, all the talk about “the People’s Seat”?
And how that special election held two years ago today would ensure the people of Massachusetts elected a leader — a trustworthy steward of “the People’s Seat”?
That’s what we were promised, but it’s not what we got. Forbes magazine calls Scott Brown, “one of Wall Street’s favorite Senators.”
I am running for the United States Senate because I think it’s time we take the “People’s Seat” back from Wall Street and other powerful interests.
I need your help. I need you — today, on the anniversary of Scott Brown’s special election — to help us take back this seat for middle-class families in Massachusetts.
It’s money bomb day. Make a contribution of $5 or more today.
While Scott Brown celebrates the two-year anniversary of his election by officially launching his re-election, we can show that we have the grassroots support we need to win this election by launching a powerful “money bomb”.
I won’t sugar coat it: Scott Brown has an enormous campaign war chest — twice what we have in the bank — and we’re still fighting tooth and nail to narrow the gap. The powerful interests that are lining up behind his campaign have his back because, as a U.S. Senator, he has had theirs.
What we accomplish together today will show the world we have the grassroots organization and support to win this election, no matter what Scott Brown and Wall Street throw at us.
If you’ve been waiting to make your money bomb contribution, this is it.
Thank you for being a part of this,
Elizabeth Warren
This total could easily top $1 million by tonight – Scott Brown will rue the day he filibustered unemployment benefits, he’ll be filing a jobless claim of his own come November!
Why stop at $1 million. Maybe we can go higher.
Tell everybody you know to chip in.
Send out emails.
Send Wall Street and Scott Brown a message today!
I said we should “top $1 million”, and we’re certainly heading for that!
I PRE-chipped in so nyah nyah! đŸ˜‰
I sent money on Monday, they processed the charge today. Time to send Scott Brown a pink slip!!