On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Braga, Ann Hess [Boston City Council Staff Director]
> Good morning –
> I am writing in response to your requests for information regarding the stenographic machine information.
> Ellen Fritch [City Stenographer] will be able to meet you on Wednesday January 11, 2012 at 11AM in the Council Chamber on the fifth floor of City Hall to view the record inputted into the stenographic machine for the meeting of January 2, 2012.
> Please confirm your attendance. Thank you.
> Ann
> Have a great day!
Hi !
Please transmit it via email…
1. Quote
“SD card. Conveniently move jobs from the writer to your computer.”
“Thumb drive. Copy jobs quickly and conveniently with a USB memory stick”
2. User Guide
3. Raj Pareek, the city’s manager of e-government initiatives is informed about how easy it is to transmit.
4. Records Management. Please don’t allow the original stenographic record to be removed from City Hall in accord with Massachusetts guidelines for preservation of municipal records
The stenographic record stored in a computer file on the Diamante Stenograph machine is easily downloaded.
> By email please send the full transcript of the last public meeting of Boston City Council, a computer file stored on the Diamante Stenograph machine in the Council Chamber…
> Access
> a. More accessible for folks with hearing loss.
> b. Closed Captioning not available on City Council cablecasts/webcasts.
> Open government
> c. Searchable.
> d. More complete than minutes.
> e. Easier to read through than watching video.
> f. Budgeted for with public funds.
> g. Improves City Council Communications.
> h. Councilors’ words in the public meeting are available for feedback, comment, questions, suggestions, ideas.
> i. Wider understanding of Council proceedings through Councilors’ plain words in the public meeting rather than interpreting the arcane agenda, arcane minutes.