The Religious Conservatives have tipped their hand. Yes, they convinced many unsuspecting they were not trying to take women back to the Dark Ages by having government infringe on their freedom of reproductive choices. They defied science declaring a fetus was actually a baby and they were just attempting to protect life, not remove a women’s dominion of her own body.
The same folks who argue Muslim’s are backwards, religious extremist, mysoginists are now defending Humane Vitae which compels women to reproduce to fulfill God’s will.
But it gets even better. As each right wing extremeist tries to out crazy the others, grabbing the spot light is becoming difficult. Republican Representative Bob Morris seems to have a natural talent for crazy, extending the War on Women to the War on the Girl Scouts. In a letter to his fellow legislators he claims:
“abundant evidence proves that the agenda of Planned Parenthood includes sexualizing young girls through the Girl Scouts, which is quickly becoming a tactical arm of Planned Parenthood.” Bob continues claiming Girl Scouts promotes homosexual lifestyles, noting this “radicalized organization’s” role models:
“only three have a briefly-mentioned religious background – all the rest are feminists, lesbians, or Communists.”
Whoa, did Bob just accuse the role models for young girls to be feminists, who believe in equal opportunity and equal political, economic, social rights for women? If girls get these dangerous ideas, they may demand to be seated at the table during Congressional Hearings on contraception. Perhaps this is Satan at work as Rick Santorum warned.
Or perhaps Karl Rove, master Republican strategist has been replaced by that guy that used to shout near the entrance of the subway station, (Repent, Satan is coming), and the one who writes those Nigerian emails, (God Bless, God Bless, trust me with your finances and I will make you a millionaire).
are okay. Anything else, well…
From The GOP’s Long War Against Women and Sex
Radical Girl Scouts allegedly partnering with Planned Parenthood or
the chance of Republicans partnering with radicalized Catholic organizations?
As it turns out the internet research that led the Republican Legislator to the the conclusion the Girl Scouts was a dangerous radicalized organization, came from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry.
…I’ll bet that for that Republican representative, the terms “feminist”, “lesbian”, and “communist” are either equally devoid of meaning or are synonyms.