Calling all artists: Can we replace the blimp March 21, 2012 By Trickle up with an etch-a-sketch? Mr. “Krazy Khazei,” the gift that keeps on giving. Please share widely! 00
Ryan says March 21, 2012 at 3:17 pm This Reality TV Republican Primary just keeps getting better, even at the very moments when you think it will finally start to get boring.
David says March 21, 2012 at 9:06 pm I did the identical search several hours ago, and most of the images relevant to Fehrnstrom’s stupid comment weren’t in there. Lots has happened today! đŸ˜€
This Reality TV Republican Primary just keeps getting better, even at the very moments when you think it will finally start to get boring.
… I found with a simple google search.
I did the identical search several hours ago, and most of the images relevant to Fehrnstrom’s stupid comment weren’t in there. Lots has happened today! đŸ˜€