This may come as a surprise to the out of stater conservatives(not that they are reading our blog) who think Massachusetts is full of organic-eating, American-hating, gay-loving, chesse-eating surrender monkey, commies who can’t relate to “true America” AKA anywhere it’s not the North East or the Left Coast. If they ever step foot in Massachusetts with actually following the some of the states politicians instead of the ones that get elected federally, they will realize some of our Democrats are big time DINOS. For instance, we’ve had conservative leaders in the legislative such as Thomas Finneran and William Bulger as our House Speaker and Majority Leaders. They also forget that Massachusetts voted for Ronald Raygun in 1980(more likely he won because John Anderson split the left vote with Carter) and 1984. Back in the first two years of Raygun presidency, his favorite governor was in the state of Massachusetts, of a guy name Edward King. Edward King was not your Ted Kennedy Democrat. King was your Zell Miller Democrat. King froze property taxes, brought back the death penalty which was later banned by Dukakis, reduce state spending in social programs, and other tough on crime/business friendly policy’s in his lone term as governor of Massachusetts. John Silber got nominated by the state party for governor back in 1990, which lead to William Weld winning liberal bastions such as Cambridge in the Massachusetts gubernatorial election. How about we just get to two sub group of Democrats in Massachusetts, shall we.
Reform Democrat AKA also known as the progressive democrat or the Democrat of the Democratic wing:
This is the type of Democrat that Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick is. This sub-group usually has professional jobs, tend to be more liberal then the rest of the population, have gotten a higher college degree then Bachelor Arts degree, watches the Daily Show/Colbert Report, and is netroots activist. This group wants to reform Beacon Hill/D.C for the better. Reform Democrats support real universal health care, the right for choice, LGBT rights, against the wars, and bunch of other progressive/liberal polices. You’ll find these Democrats more often in liberal cities/college towns.
Scott Brown/Reagan Democrats AKA DINOS:
This Democrat was a Democrat in part because his parents were too and so was much of his/her family pre JFK assassination. Usually they also voted Democrat because they were the party of the working class while the Republicans were the WASP’s that couldn’t care about his/her interests. They usually are very practice Catholics who are in step with the church’s policy 95% of the time. The Kennedy’s are beloved by this sub-group, though more JFK or RFK then Edward Kennedy. However, they have been disgusted by lot of what’s happen to their party. From the 1960’s/70’s Hippies to Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton/Malcolm X blacks to feminists who were 180 from them on issues such as abortion to limousine/latte liberals who believe the working inferior to themselves and would rather give the poor minority’s hand outs then look out for the interests of the working class. Most Reagan Democrats are all but gone, as most of them were in their 60’s when they voted for Reagan in the 1980’s. Scott Brown has 20% approval rating from DEMOCRATS at the moment. How fuck up is that? A man with 70% rating from the ACU is one self described Democrats should not vote for. This is more likely because of this sub-group that is keeping Brown chances of re-elecion high, which will make Massachusetts title of “most liberal state” deeply false.
So, how could we convince sub group 2 that Elizabeth Warren is the one looking out for their interest and not Cosmo boy, who they loved because he’s “the man of the people”, that Warren will protect the Massachusetts working class, that Warren actually grow up as just one of them?
They used to be Democrats until the late 1960’s…