Previously on “The Courting Right“; John “The Chief” Roberts and Tony “The Waffler” Kennedy had succeeded in moving in on “Fat” Tony Scalia’s prostitution empire whilst simultaneously trying to keep Clarence “Sleepy” Thomas from burning the whole city to the ground. “Fat” Tony’s second in command, Sammy “Thin Tony” Alito, desperate to keep his true feelings for “Fat” Tony secret, was seen eating copious amounts of broccoli. Meanwhile, at the “Federalist”, a gentlemens club run by close friends of “The Chief”, a secret plan, called G.R.O.S.S (for Get Rid OF Slimy GirlS) is hatched to determine which women are having fun sexytime that is unauthorized by Pope Ricky of Santorum and to make them uncomfortable for doing so…
Tonight on “The Courting Right“; “The Chief” and “The Waffler” have to decide on whether or not to make alliance with “Fat” Tony to protect the insurance rackets and to keep “Sleepy” away from the matches. “Fat” Tony and “Thin Tony” also try to reconcile in the face of the threat to the insurance rackets. Paul “No Clemency” Clement, a low level button man for the family goes mad under interrogation from the coppers when he mistakenly admits to thinking that a forced transvaginal ultrasound is ok but a mandate to purchase health care is not. Michael “Total Sack of Bull” Carvin, an even lower level button man, gets beaten up by a nun and two young orphans.
Next week on “The Courting Right“; After both “The Chief” and “The Waffler” turn on “Fat” Tony in a 6-3 decision upending the insurance rackets, Grover “The Simpleton” Norquist shouts “RELEASE THE CLARENCE!!!”